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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. I agree Nov. 2020 through Jan. 6, 2021 was a crime spree.
  2. 9/11, Iran Contra, Vietnam, Cuban Missile crisis are all international political events that involved the US. Assassinations, while abhorent, are less important than threats from within. They do not strike at the fundamemtals of our democracy. And this attempt to steal the election is significantly more consequential than Watergate.
  3. But it is all irrelevant. It is impossible to find an impartial judge. The January 6 riot was the single most important US political event in generations. A judge who is unaware and unopinionated does not exist.
  4. Trump is defendant 1,057. It might be hard to find anyone to meet your criteria.
  5. Oof. They are going after a guy who placed 559 bets with an average of $4.29 per bet? Talk about asinine and a huge waste of resources.
  6. The food porn on this site is exceptional.
  7. No, I was just making a joke based on that old commercial (showing my age), "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV."
  8. Another strategy point. I have seen the question asked elsewhere, what took so long? One of the specific statutes they are charging him under is 18 USC 1512(c)(2), an Enron era law passed in response to Arthur Anderson's destruction of documents as the government was investigating. It is the "corruptly obstruct an official proceeding" charge. This law has been used repeatedly and successfully in prosecuting the Jan. 6 rioters. It has withstood every defense attempt to say it does not apply. Establishing that history of precedence took time. I imagine that has something to do with the delay. Demonstrate success, and a lot of it, on the small fishes before going after the big fish.
  9. And I think that is very intentional. I have made the case that Trump's actions with regard to the rioters disqualify him in my mind, but that is a far cry from disqualifying him in the legal sense. Proving that he wanted the rioters to riot is a near impossibility. I believe it, but can't prove it. And so it seems the prosecutors in this case chose not to prosecute that point and probably for the same reason.
  10. Let's hope so. I find this whole thing silly and hypocritical.
  11. Oh, I know the gambling industry wants you to gamble at least three times a day and to take your advice from someone playing pickleball who does not understand what the question is, but try doing anything other than eating three times a day for eighteen straight months. It is very hard to do.
  12. The laws would apply (under aged, hiding behind another's identity, failing to pay taxes, etc.) and I imagine there are rules against breaking the law.
  13. That is the kind of background information that is typically used in the sentencing phase after a determination of guilty, not during the trial phase.
  14. For me among the most damning parts was the series of memos from Co-Conspirator 5 that the indictment refers to as Wisconsin Memo, Fraudulent Elector Memo, and Fraudulent Elector Instructions combined with deceiving the fraudulent electors into believing they were only being used as a contingency to preserve rights in case they won in court.
  15. He did not have $40k to gamble. The complaint says he made 1,283 wagers for $45,640, or $35.57 per bet. What had too much of was time. That is almost 3 bets per day for 16 straight months.
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