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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. So these schools should have the least NIL available because the donors' money went to the endowment. Who has the smallest endowment?
  2. So he passed up a dollar of income because he would have to give 50 cents of it to Cornell? That doesn't make sense to me.
  3. You completely misread the article. https://usafacts.org/articles/what-do-universities-do-with-the-billions-they-receive-from-the-government/ Revenue from all sources was $1.068 trillion in 2018. Of that, $149 billion, or 14% came from the federal government. Of the $149 billion, 65% (~$97 billion) went to student aid (scholarships, work-study, loans). Another 27% of the $149 billion total ($41 billion) went to fund research. The last 8% of the $149 billion ($11 billion) was for government contracts. The number I posted earlier, $203 billion in 2020, was federal and state government funding, combined. So your trillion dollars is off by a factor of 5.
  4. What fun would that be? I want all the drama, all the disfunction, all the highs, and all the lows.
  5. Where did you get 1.4 trillion from? I got $203 billion. https://www.ibisworld.com/us/bed/government-funding-for-universities/4073/#:~:text=Federal%2C state and local grants,the government funding for universities. And the largest endowments are generally at private schools which are not included here.
  6. Any idea if the funding goes to the schools with the largest endowments, or the other way around? Every now and then there is a push to remove the favorable tax treatment endowment investments recieve because too many of them are using too little of the money on student aid. I believe the original argument for favorable taxes was because the money was to be used on financial aid. As far as I know, the largest endowed schools have aleays successfully lobbied against this.
  7. There is a large moral hazard here. Schools have an incentive to raise prices, offer non-marketable degrees, and push govt subsidized loans because there is no economic impact on the school. Student loan programs need re-working that puts at least some of the credit risk back on the schools.
  8. Banks will not give out student loans because they are uncollateralized debt. The equivalent, on a much smaller scale per person, is credit card debt. Banks charge ~25% for credit card balances of much smaller sizes. That is why the govt is involved, to subsidize the loan, or it would not be made.
  9. That feels like best case. Most likely case is he is in even worse shape in four years on top of being four years older.
  10. If TNT somehow thread that needle and pull this off, they may be coaches of the decade. I will take the under, but I am all in on this roller coaster ride.
  11. I am soooooo excited to see what happens there. He is the literal car crash I cannot look away from.
  12. Is it true the Iowa wrestling room has a self driving mode?
  13. Because it is something to bitch about.
  14. They are all Portal U, some on the demand side, more on the supply side.
  15. I wonder about that. I know of one pair of best friends/roommates where one transferred and the other did not. Perhaps their relationship wasn't as deep or as long, but at some point adult considerations begin to trump childhood dreams.
  16. Doesn't it seem like he burns bridges with every possible sponsor, though? There may be a long line, but I think he can get through that line fast.
  17. Much smaller example. "I don't disagree". Just say you agree.
  18. From The Athletic: Starocci wrestled at the U.S. Olympic Trials at 86 kg (189.6 pounds). He said he was tired of cutting weight to make 174.... “We have so many killers in the room,” Starocci said last month. “You guys saw (Alex) Facuno and (Levi) Haines going at it. Those guys are really good guys. I know Haines doesn’t want to make 157 anymore. I know Facundo’s having a hard time making 165. … I think however the team formulates I don’t think anyone is coming close to Penn State for a long, long, time.” Obviously not definitive, but suggestive.
  19. You couldn't think of anything funnier because there is nothing funnier.
  20. Surprise ending. That started out like a retirement Tweet.
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