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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Brooks looked unbothered by anything Sloan tried. Very dominant.
  2. Period 2 AB down. And out 4-0 AB Back to collar ties. AB same shot in deep and finishes. 7-0. AB riding hard but TS' length is tough, and he escapes. 7-1 AB back in TS whizzer, but AB defeats it. 10-1. DT crediting Sanderson's coaching. TS out quick. 10-2. AB digging underhooks now. TS defending. Under a minute. TS cautious shot. Not close. AB shoots single leg. TS deends well and reattacks, but time runs out. 11-2 final for Brooks.
  3. 197 Brooks v Sloan Period 1 Both start heavy on the head. Feeling each other out. No committed shots. AB swims to the left leg, switches to two and gets the three. AB rides out the period. Ends 3-0 AB.
  4. Truax heading to Aamco. He needs to replace the reverse gear in his transmission after burning it out.
  5. Period 3 PK riding. BT out quickly. 4-2 BT. PK again on the leg. Again shelved. Again OB. PK driving BT and earns the stall. 4-3 BT. PK wants it and forces another stall. 4-4. PK on both legs at the edge. Gets the TD with a toe just in. 7-4 PK. PSU challenges. Doesn't look good for BT. Locked hands gets BT a point. 7-5 final Keckeisen.
  6. Period 2 Lots of blood time at the end of period 1 / beginning 2 PK starts on bottom. Out in seconds and hunting the reversal. Truax again heads for the OB. 3-2. More blood. PK forward BT back. BT threatens the swing single, but can't finish. PK on the leg, shelved. On the OB line and loses it. Stall on BT after a ref conference. More blood. Coming form the back of BT head, behind the head gear. Those PK snap downs are real. PK shooting and getting stuffed. Ends 3-2 BT.
  7. 184 Keckeisen v Truax PK on the hunt, but BT gets the swing single for the first TD 3-0. PK out fast 3-1. PK pushing the action. On the leg twise. BT crawls out twice. UNI coaches unhappy. ends 3-1.
  8. I laughed at the stalling thread before, but I am really laughing at it now. Calling @nhs67
  9. Period 3 C* out fast. 6-0. Lewis getting pushed to the edge. C* on a single leg, but OB. C* forces another stall. 7-0. C* wants the bonus. He is wrestling like he is behind. Gets on the leg, scrambles and gets the TD with seconds to go. 11-0 final.
  10. Period 2 The crowd seems to be favoring C* for some reason. Lewis takes down. C* riding hard. Lewis flat, head down. C* has the wing and loses it. Second stall. 1-0 C*. C* with leg in and turning. Gets the 4 near fall with about 10 seconds to go. OB with 4 seconds. Lewis limping back to the middle. And the period ends 5-0 C*.
  11. 174 Starocci v Lewis Period 1 C* head inside to outside single, Lewis draped over, C* circling, but Lewis gets out of it. Great D. C* to the other side, but Lewis gets OB. No TD. Stall warning Lewis. C* shoos again, scrambling as time runs out 0-0.
  12. Period 3 Hamiti cuts Olejnik. 4-1 Olejnik. Hamiti on the leg again. Olejnik stuffs and stays square. Hamiti gets the cradle when Olejnik gets head too close to the knee, but can't convert. Back on their feet, Olejnik gets the second stall. 4-2 Olejnik. Hamiti attacking sloppy, Olejnik throws him by and gets the TD at the whistle. Finishes 8-2 Ole.
  13. period 2 Olejnik start on top. Hamiti out quick. 1-0. Hamiti back on the right leg.. And they are out of bounds again. Olejnik lightning fast on the whistle snatches Hamiti's ankle and gets the TD with the legs in a figure four. Now turning for back points, but not quite. DT is giving him step by step instructions, but he isn't listening and they call the stalemate. Period ends 3-1 Olejnik with 1:36 of RT.
  14. Dean "Guaran Damn Teed" Hamiti v Izzak Olejnik Hamiti attacking. gets on the right leg, but can't keep it. Hamiti back on the right leg, has it shelved on the edge, but can't keep it in bounds. DT pointing out Olejnik is good with the whizzer, but it isn't a position you want to be good at because it means guys are on your leg all the time. Olejnik with a stall warning. And the period ends 0-0.
  15. Hertel reverses Novak in TB-2. Novak goes neutral looking for the TD. But still can't find the O.
  16. Van Ness wins 5-1. The only TD was off a really good scramble. Novak v Hertel struggled to find their offense. 1-1 in regulation. in SV-2 now.
  17. Time to reinvigorate this thread. Found this at Costco. A very smooth sipper. Little, to no burn. I think it was under $50. Drinking it while I watch the All Star Classic.
  18. Carol Stream's Tony Ramos sighting.
  19. maybe they could arrange a trade for a Big Boarder to be named later?
  20. With the right discount rate and the right growth estimate we are all billionaires.
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