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Everything posted by neutral

  1. I am sure there are US wrestlers that cycled through PEDs. I have no idea who and won't speculate. It is just human nature.
  2. There is no such thing as a moderate republican. They are all complicit trump maga. Otherwise someone would have stepped up and voted to convict in the last impeachment. The modern gop is maga.
  3. Please tell me don't believe that stolen election garbage. Must be a troll post.
  4. I can't imagine enjoying that. I like spicy food, however that is a weapon of taste bud destruction.
  5. There are folks in this thread using dishonest reasoning to justify book bans.
  6. RFK jr is a non starter, never had a chance. Trump is going to get the gop nomination and the only one that can beat trump is Biden.
  7. Any high level wrestler with international experience has to have some significant chronic pain and injuries by the time they are 40 much less 50. Chris Campbell made a good run in his late 30's and he was built like a rock.
  8. I don't take neutral political positions. There is no room for your racist crap.
  9. Russia should be barred from international competition for their attack on Ukraine and their systematic campaign of state sponsored ped use. Oh and mr title IX reform dude can yeet himself off a bridge.
  10. Go take your maga ism over to the off topic thread.
  11. Why are people so eager to defend a former asst coach that at the very least turned a blind eye to the locker room conversations? I blame Hellickson as well. I understand fully why wrestlers did not want to come forward. Because the same victim blaming we are seeing in this thread was very much en vogue (and still is) at the time.
  12. The IOC already hands out more medals with the double bronze. Wrestling in all forms is a minor sport and expendable to the IOC. We will never get 10 weights even if greco were eliminated. The good old days are long behind us.
  13. Should the olympics even exist any longer? They are an economic boondoggle for the hosts and the IOC and multiple governing bodies are corrupt as can be.
  14. His politics have nothing to do with being a terrible human. When more than one wrestler makes an accusation regarding the team doctor and reporting it then asst coach Jordan, I am willing to give some benefit of the doubt. It takes a lot of courage for someone in a combat sport to admit being assaulted. I have more reason to believe the accusers than not.
  15. A year after I graduated HS, I found out one of the assistants was a pedophile that preyed on the middle school where he taught. He got what amounted to a life sentence. So many of us missed the signs and none of my teammates were victims (to my knowledge). If I had known anything, I would have reported. Jordan knew and he did jack and squat. So he can fck off forever on that basis alone.
  16. Very few of the pairing systems have truly made any sense. I sort of liked the old A and B pool system of 30 years ago. A single loss and you could still win the pool. In fact Mark Coleman had two losses in 1991 and still won his pool. I can't quite remember how though.
  17. My recall is sketchy but I believe 1986 Smith won the Goodwill games against Isaev (1986 World Champ). And I think Smith may have sat out that world trial.
  18. Way back in the 80's and 90's we would be thrilled at 4 and 5 time medalists. Now we have a few on the cusp of double digits. A good problem to have.
  19. I remember the loss to Randy Lewis in 1988 in one series, and the 1992 loss to Fisher. Who was the third domestic loss to?
  20. Any legitimate medal threats in Greco. I have been out of the loop.
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