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Everything posted by neutral

  1. The 3 pt TD artificially inflates the value of a TD and deflates the value of escapes and reversals. I don't like it, but no one cares whether I like it or not. It will affect the tempo and outcomes of matches as rule changes always do. It is up to the wrestlers and coaches to work around it. From a spectator standpoint I will watch fewer college matches. Again, no one cares whether I watch it or not that is just the nature of sport.
  2. I asked you first. My thread, my rules. If you don't want to answer, thats on you. Either way, you can kiss my ass. Peace out. Enjoy your echo chamber with the rest of the magas in the forum.
  3. Instead of giving lip service to so called common ground, what are your stances on the following issues? Abortion rights LGBTQ rights Voting rights act of 1964 Environmental protection Incarceration of low level non violent offenses Policing in the US
  4. I don't trust J6 sympathizers or election conspiracists.
  5. This is why none of you election theft conspiracy folks cannot be taken seriously on any front. You lost, get over it already. I wasn't pleased with 2016 but I didn't cry like a little bitch over it.
  6. Seeking a transformative conversation within the confines of an obscure thread in a wrestling forum is kind of silly.
  7. This is why it is impossible to have a conversation with some on the far right. Belief in the Big Lie (that the 2020 election was stolen) is a key indicator they cannot be reasoned with.
  8. From the looks of some of the hard right posts in this forum, I do not believe I have much in common with many of you. I wish no ill will, but that doesn't mean I am going to break bread either.
  9. Jan 06 very much had a Beer Hall Putsch feel to it.
  10. musk is an apartheid product. Of course he is going to let the nazi propaganda fly.
  11. Yes. I believe President Biden will act in national best interests. I do not trust China though.
  12. One key difference between the two sides is how one views civil rights toward the lgbtq community. Another is how civil rights in general is approached. One side is very authoritarian and supported an insurrection on Jan 06. Those are chasms that cannot be bridged.
  13. Except that there opposing sides and the differences are stark.
  14. We are a polarized nation. There is very little common ground between the opposing sides.
  15. No. There should be a penalty for catch and release. This isn't freestyle. Whether released or an "earned" escape it should be one.
  16. That may be the case, but it still remains that the 3 point TD is still a bad idea.
  17. Maybe it changes outcomes, maybe it doesn't. An analysis of one point matches that are rescored under the new rules might clarify things. So now a fifty fifty position that was a TD, and quick reversal puts the score 3-2 instead of 2-2. Also back exposure should always at least equal or supercede the TD.
  18. Piss off. It is just my 2 cents worth. The three point TD is a contrived gimmick. Go back several decades and there was a time when the first TD was 2 and each subsequent was only one. Another contrived gimmick.
  19. I probabably will be less interested in college wrestling with the three point takedown.
  20. The three point TD is a solution to a non existent problem. Call stalling whether on feet or the mat. The TD or reversal are both establishment of control and should always be weighted equal.
  21. Because jerks like you and the NRA are bent on lobbying for them to satisfy your small dick compensation.
  22. You "conservatives" are so married to the concept of being able to kill people in large numbers it is sickening. No one wants your shotguns, hunting rifles, or self defense handguns.
  23. Gfy. The original M16 is a weapon of war. Whether dumbed down or not, it is still a weapon of war. Stop being a jackass.
  24. I know quite a bit about guns. Not an expert, no. So miss me with that crap.
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