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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Doesn’t matter if they willingly joined Hamas or not. And I’ll answer it again since your comprehension skills are that of a four year old. There are people too stupid and/or too lazy to use protection while having sex and then end up with an unintended pregnancy. They know full well that they can just get an abortion which therefore means they used it as contraception. Again almost half of all abortions are “repeat” abortions so before you tell me that it doesn’t happen why don’t you prove that it hasn’t. You won’t because you can’t.
  2. Just people that support terrorists. Like you, maybe?
  3. Just stay on the couch and do nothing. Because they want Hamas to do what they did.
  4. Just stay down and do nothing. That will get you on the right side of history. Uncle Protester hates Jewish people.
  5. Countless times you’ve told me that it’s not the 1980’s anymore. Here yes. Hamas is decades away from being close to caring about anything other than total eradication.
  6. IKR??? Persuasion and hugs will fix it. These kids sure have a nice idea of what the world should be.
  7. And I stand by what I said. War is hell. Support terrorists and you have to deal with the blow back. Now show where (other than your biased interpretation) that I said it’s ok.
  8. As long as Hamas is around they’ll feel that way. Fair to them. No. Negotiations with Hamas have done NOTHING. They won’t stop until they get total eradication of the Jewish people. The Palestinian people need to step up and fight back or it will never change. They won’t because they want what Hamas wants. And flip that double standard around. You want abortion no matter what the situation.
  9. They’re in Hamas so yes they have to think that way or get killed. I’m still waiting for some Palestinians to call out Hamas. They won’t. Since you can’t comprehend and/or remember I’ll say it one more time. I’m for abortions with restrictions. That being said one abortion that was used as contraception is one to many.
  10. Yet you’ve actually protested against Israel but NOT against what Hamas did on Oct 7. Start a movement for Gazans to speak up against Hamas.
  11. They obviously figured out how to get enough people to vote for them. How many have spoken out against Oct 7?
  12. Shouldn’t the citizens of Gaza want to be on the right side of history and do anything and everything to rid themselves and the area of Hamas?
  13. So you’re willing to protest the killing of innocent people on Oct 7?….
  14. According to their beliefs Hamas is doing what they’re supposed to be doing. No government is going to be able negotiate an against their belief in what god has told them to do.
  15. Engaging diplomatically with terrorists. Ok.
  16. As long as there’s a religion that wants to control all other religions there will be new organizations and cycles that need to be addressed.
  17. They’re still on their knees. Where they need to be. Where Hamas needs to be.
  18. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/colleges-change-their-tune-after-once-embracing-protests/ss-BB1nuTc9?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=0d14995ff674493d9ad582ac1e3a4435&ei=28 even the woke universities are fed up with the terrorist supporting protesters
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