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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. https://slcc.pressbooks.pub/attenuateddemocracy/chapter/chapter-55/ the financial advantage (amongst other things) given to the incumbent needs to,go away.
  2. Babble Boy jr is back. Not going to waste my time with your ️ jerk.
  3. Again. Israel could easily have killed many more than they have. They haven’t because they do try to minimize civilian casualties. Until the people of Palestinine stop supporting Hamas they will put themselves at risk. Most Palestinians want what Hamas wants which is the total eradication of the Jewish people. I can’t feel sorry for people that brought this on themselves.
  4. Israel could easily have killed many more than it has. Ridding the world of 10,000 + terrorists is a win for all of us.
  5. War is hell. There will be collateral damage when going after terrorists.
  6. Brags about America being a free society while calling America imperialistic on numerous occasions.
  7. The point is terrorists don’t care about negotiations.
  8. I never said they all were. I said it’s happening whether you wokester’s want to admit it or not. The performance ratings of all forms of birth control are very high. What someone reported to “look” good at the clinic may not be as sound as you think.
  9. The vote them out “term limits” clowns are priceless. There is a two term limit on the president. There should be a two term limit on the house and the senate.
  10. So you don’t want to help Palestinians speak up against a terrorist group simply because they don’t get American tax dollars? Wow Uncle Protester. Just wow It’s a crime none the less. and as with many crimes they can lead to bigger and more severe crimes.
  11. You’re an Anti American. As you’ve stated many times you believe we’re imperialists
  12. Why don’t you start a movement/protest to help Palestinians speak up against Hamas? Why only protest against Israel Answer the question
  13. How about when you start denouncing Palestinians for not denouncing Hamas.
  14. Says the guy that’s avoided many of mine (and others) questions, some more than once. You don’t get to play that card while you’re doing the same thing. War is he’ll deal with it.
  15. It’s war. War is hell. Deal with the blow back or speak up against Hamas.
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