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Everything posted by BIGTENFANBOY

  1. Do Levi Haines and Tyler Kasak, 2 big time M2 guys follow Taylor?
  2. I had a similar feel when watching Gilman's interview prior to his finals match with Lee. You could see he no longer had the fire to win.
  3. David Taylor is my all time favorite wrestler. That being said, Brooks scored, Taylor didn't. He looks stronger and much more dominant in both matches. Taylor did not look sharp at all. Brooks 100% looked like the better wrestler and posts like this diminish his accomplishment. So while you "never want to be one of those guys", you're doing exactly that.
  4. The only reason you think it's dumb is because you're not smart enough to understand it's meaning.
  5. No it's is correct. You wre wrong.
  6. It's a friggin expression. The fact that it's gone completely over your head shows your lack of IQ. Still you are wrong. The battle against father time is not winning a match. It's living your life. Eventually it all ends. No one is undefeated against father time.
  7. Wow youre not very smart. Father time is undefeated. In the end we all will eventually lose or retire. That's what the statement means. Genius.
  8. Seriously? Father time will eventually defeat him and Synder too.
  9. No. Even after the Iowa transfer. Him taunting the opposing team bench, him running up to the commentary table. Screaming in Lizaks face. Desanto still had a dirty edge while at Iowa, nothing like Messenbrink. Big big difference. Anyone this thinks they're similar outside of the gastank is an idiot. Messenbrink is the exact Wrestler you WANT be be and the exact Wrestler you don't want to face. He's not going to hurt you but he will require every ounce of your ability to beat him. He is EXACT what ever Wrestler should strive to be. If you hate him then you clearly dont want USA to be the best wrestlers possible.
  10. You literally pointed to JB's accomplishments as the reason why Messenbrink shouldn't push the pace. But you're right. How dare Messenrbink try to challenge JB. Who the heck does this kid (your words) think he is?
  11. Not trolling at all. You said Messenbrink and Desanto is comparable. Outside of their gastank theyre very different.
  12. You're right, no one would ever dare push the pace and challenge JB. Good thing you're not in charge of anything because you would kill USA wrestling. Moron.
  13. That's a good thing buddy. Do you think anyone who faces JB should just bow down and back away? You clearly dont want USA wrestling to evolve. It must piss you off we have high school kids pushing NCAA champs. People with YOUR mindset is what has kept USA wrestling down over the years.
  14. But but but the refs all favor the NLWC!
  15. No. I don't agree to disagree. When the point of the discussion is about how freestyle rules have had overhauling changes where the sport itself look completely different in each iteration you can't ignore those rule changes. Jim L was 100% wrong.
  16. Looked like 4 to me, but you know biased refs
  17. And the photo shows it actually happened. It was the correct call. Get over it.
  18. The singlet grab did infact happen and it happened right in front of the ref. It happened and Valencia knew it. Get over it.
  19. Messenbrink doesnt retaliate. JB shoved him and got in his face. Desanto would have reacted very differently. No one ever has had to PHYSICALLY restrain Messenbrink. He doesnt trying to start actual fights. Big big difference.
  20. And? Desanto had moments where he was downright dirty. That was his mo. Big big difference, if you cant see that then there's something wrong with you. You're grossly exaggerating.. and by the way, a light year is a distance, not a time frame.
  21. What a BS comment. Desanto legitimately has repeated temper tantrums, freak outs and tried to break miccics arm. Messenbrink genuinely is having fun when he wrestles. It's clearly not to your liking, but this comparison and comments from you are making you out to be the ass.
  22. Once again, you just call him an ass yet you dint explain what makes him an ass. Seems to me like he's not the ass, someone else is. What is this junk you speak of? His constant movement? How is that different from constant level changes? It's supposed to fluster hus opponents, and it looks like it's working becuase it certainly clusters you. You keep saying hes an ass yet you haven't once supported this statement with anything other than your personal feelings. As for Burroughs knocking my lights out, I certainly hope a world class athlete could knock my lights out. I'm much older than him and was never close to being an elite world level athlete. This statement shows some serious lack of maturity.
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