I have a feeling that, for the domestic scene, this will go down as one of the most eventful days in the past decade of wrestling. This seemed like a real shift that happened slowly and then all at once...there is only one corner of domestic wrestling that is truly flourishing...
With J'den officially retiring, and JB failing to make the finals for the first time in history, it feels like a real changing of the guard which is usually cool to see...but I didn't expect that it would happen this abruptly, or have the vibe that it does.
J'den and JB were two of the great foils on the domestic scene, keeping balance and always able to show up and throw a wrench in the works for anyone who got too big for their britches. But more importantly, they also showed that you can cut your own path, and bootstrap your way through a program not named PSU to senior level success.
I have a feeling we will look back, and see that this was the day the republic became an empire, this was the day anakin skywalker became darth vader, or....for those who have done right by themselves and seen this movie...
This scene is exactly what today felt like...and I'm broadly a PSU fan.
Today was impressive, it was jaw dropping, it was eye-catching, but it was not fun in the way I expected it to be.