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Everything posted by Lleynor

  1. It was brutal stalling by the OSU guy in that video.
  2. That is a bad ass story
  3. You know what's cooler than winning a B10 Individual Championship? Being a 4x National Champ with a chance to be the only person to win 5.
  4. As lame as it is to watch him, lack of offense doesn't equal stalling. He's basically waiting for re-attacks and sound defense. Kyle Dake may be a 4xer, but he wasn't really lighting up scoreboards when in college. By no means am I saying this guy is at Dake's level, but my point is sometimes winning is more than flashy offense. He's a 7seed in thr finals at the B10 Tourney. His NCAA seed is going to be good no matter his match today.
  5. Did he have any offers besides Cal-Baptist? Who'd he consider outside of PSU? I forgot. And my God, he had to jump crazy levels when those two schools are in the same picture.
  6. As of today, who do you guys see as our 6 reps? Fans from other nations please feel free to chime in on USA, as well as your nation.
  7. He's also an Olympic and World Champ. His status isn't imaginary.
  8. There are far worse things in life than living the simple, great life of being a husband and dad. We all should be so lucky. I know I am.
  9. Outside of Snyder, I could see Dake and Taylor leaving them. Does anyone else think these two call it in '24, or one more cycle?
  10. If he went 74, he'd get wrecked. Making 65 may be difficult for him through the years. But if he could've made it, definitely would've been interesting. We'll always wonder what could've been back in 2016.
  11. This topic went off the rails a bit. MM goes undefeated and he'll probably get the #1 or #2 seed. What's crazy is if O'Toole beats Carr again, Carr should be the #4. And these two meet on Friday evening!
  12. On a team full of superstars, he stands out. Do I mean he's the best wrestler on the team? No. But he's Nolf. He's Taylor. He's entertainment at its finest. Wrestlers like him can put new fans in seats.
  13. I was asking about Recruits that were labeled generational coming out of HS.
  14. Yes. I almost said Dustin something, but knew that didn't sound quite right. I remember reading about him a good bit back in the day. Wasn't he at Apple Valley?
  15. Was Cael considered one coming out of High School? I didn't follow Collegiate Wrestling Recruiting at that time. And when I ask that, I mean was he at a Spencer Lee, Yianni, Marsteller, or Mark Hall level. Those and the guy who went to Wisconsin are the ones that I remember hearing about the most that were true can't misses, although that Wisky kid never really panned out. I've since seen HS videos of Kolat, and he appears to have been generational as well. Just curious what other guys were considered upper guarantee that I didn't really get to witness.
  16. I have always wondered how things would've been for him at 86 and Yaz staying at 74. I think Sadulaev had to go up. But I think Yaz still looks like he could drop back to 74. As good as he is at 86, he was otherworldly at 74. That was his ideal weight, IMO.
  17. My God, I hope you're kidding. The Authority lies with the HC at any program, of any sport.
  18. Of course he had a say-so! And the coaches had the ability to override him, and say "get healthy." And they did not. Was that 11-year drought, that forced the 2021 run, really worth it for him? I'm sure it was for the Brands'. But, eventually, it will not be for Lee.
  19. Did Snyder blow his knee out? Did Snyder wrestle a part time schedule to still do Freestyle events? Everything Iowa did to/for Lee was only about what they can get from him. Wrestling without ACLs? Come on...
  20. Now that is very true. I agree completely. Anything is easier when freakish strength is involved. The guy reminded me of a Freestyle version of the 197 Cornell guy a few years ago. Long levers, and just so smooth using his length to his advantage, and utilized ideally for his specialty. That guy would ride in Folk easily, and also reverse easily. The Taz guy literally had zero offensive points on Snyder. Zero!! And yet, he teched him.
  21. You know what's cooler than an NCAA Championship? An Olympic Gold... I don't want to see to Vito what happened to Spencer Lee. In my opinion, the worst thing Lee ever did was wrestle at Iowa. His trajectory was through the roof. He should've healed those knees and went straight to the OTC. Now, us fans last memory of him is him looking up as the mat was slapped. I looooove college wrestling. Love it. But I am in love with World Dominance at the International level on all professional sports. I want 6 Golds in Paris for us! I just wish our best could get reps earlier. Hell, Snyder skipped his Senior year of High school to train, and look how that turned out for him!
  22. Comparing Taz to Bolt is an absolute insult to this kid. He didn't big brother either of those guys. It was literally technique and leverage. I'm sorry, the guy isn’t all that muscular, at all. But when he gets more matured, physically, into 97, oh my.
  23. Even though he went through a buzzsaw, he didn't tech and pin every match. Home cooking maybe?
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