Been thinking about this for a while now, and in general I love guys wrestling for other countries. I will throw out this caveat: I saw Alec Pantaleo and Austin Gomez in a photo together after a training session before Pan-Am Olympic qualifiers. If I'm Pantaleo, why would I want Austin Gomez to get better PRE-Qualifying?. I guess my logic is this:
1. Pantaleo wrestles at the same weight as Gomez, and neither have qualified the weight
2. Pantaleo is helping Gomez get better, and while Pantaleo is also getting better, Gomez was competing directly for the Olympic spot
3. With Gomez beating Lee, it directly hurts Pantaleo's chances at making the Olympics by adding another tourney he has to wrestle
Train after qualifying? Cool. Train at different weights? Perfect. It just doesn't make sense to me in this situation to help the other guy.