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Everything posted by AOCStallsLikeAMug

  1. He’s a stall merchant and a Mickey Mouse champ. That’s my only issue
  2. Dumb af, ACC is going nowhere. Nc state, UNC, and virginia would never leave the acc. The GOR will keep the others around for a while.
  3. I am pretty God tier, idk if I’d go as far to say I’m Jesus Christ though
  4. I don't like the direct that this thread has taken. You all have made a mockery of a serious inquiry and attacked my character. I will be contacting the appropriate moderators to get some of you banned.
  5. @headshuck makes a good thread. Not true, I just thought it’d be funny.
  6. Don’t you dare talk to him like that, he’s very precious to me
  7. So you cheated and coached your kids to cheat too? Where do you coach at so I can report you to your local state high school athletic association?
  8. 1. Austin O’Conor 2. Carter Starocci 3. Jason Bryant who are yours?
  9. That is awful, tragic to hear. I’m wishing him a full and speedy recovery, what an absolute warrior
  10. if Cameron amine doesn't humble starocci, I'll do it myself
  11. AOC when he didn't get the hodge for stalling every match and winning decisions Triple H.mp4
  12. You should ask your mother about my top game, it might make you change your mind
  13. We don’t like your kind around here
  14. he's not about that life, plain and simple. Phenomenal wrestler/talent, but absolute "wusse" move by him.
  15. Iowa, but I wouldn’t take much stock into what that manlet says.
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