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Everything posted by scribers

  1. Why in the world wouldn’t this support not have been in place for smith? The guy is a legit cowboy legend. I get it coaches tend to age out. But this is one of the greatest us wrestlers of all time and great coach
  2. DT isn’t going to win anything significant without financial support. If money were there, John smith would have gotten a the help he needed by now
  3. Exactly. Dakes next job will be HC of Cornell
  4. It’s a real shame Sanderson didn’t stay competing like this current generation. He probably would have wound up the greatest ever
  5. I heard him say the lards name when bubba rolled him up
  6. Taylor is 165% JESUS He’ll be fine.
  7. This sport is a ***ducking** joke. ***duck** Carl
  8. Gable would have never subterfuged a competition like nationals duals because probability of a sporting loss was apparent. He would have coached teams to dominant wins in that format
  9. No. gable revolutionized the sport at Iowa carl left isu because he wasn’t going to win there without friggin money support
  10. We all deserve participation trophies for putting up with this shit.
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