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Everything posted by Not134

  1. BOK Center, what say you Spencer Lee?
  2. Not134


    The new poster child for clingy wrestling that is killing the sport. Constantly holding on to force stalemates and the double boots with no real attempt to turn. Just awful. Please adjust the rules accordingly.
  3. Well, to be fair, no one wants to weigh in, especially on Day 3.
  4. I'm hearing rumors he is not, can anyone confirm?
  5. Pipewrench just asked where they were and even included a "thank you" in advance. No need to be haughty.
  6. Not134


    I think I clearly stated that it was Cornell (in my opinion) that likely missed an opportunity.
  7. Not134


    Sorry, missed the "i" although there is a certain likeness...
  8. Not134


    During the 2021-22 season, Yanni nearly lost to Ridge Lovett in OT at Las Vegas. When the two met in the national finals, it wasn't even close. I suspect a similar outcome this year: while Yanni lost an early season match to Gomez, on Saturday night, I think he wins his 4th title going away probably by dominating a high-quality opponent in Sasso. That said, and I'm not a Cornell (or for that matter, a Yanni) fan, but it seems to me that the Big 10 and Iowa went all in on promoting Lee while Cornell and the EIWA have been comparatively silent on Yanni's potential 4th title. Shane Sparks can barely contain his man crush and Spenser's sycophants also have a tendency to suck all the air out of the room with the 4-timer talk. Yanni deserves a little more credit in my opinion and I can't help but think that Cornell missed an opportunity.
  9. I get it, you're a moral authority on PED use. Okay. How do you feel about paying bets?
  10. Not calling stalling is bad for the sport - Fix is a 3-time finalist and deserves to get one. Now answer the question.
  11. Not who do you think will win, but rather, who would you be pleased to see get an NCAA title for whatever reason. Mine: 125: Glory 133: Fix 141: Mathews 149: Diakomihalis 157: Haines 165: Hamiti 174: Labriola 184: Keckeisen 197: Allred HWT: Hendrickson
  12. To be fair, Desanto never really did control his emotions - he was a still a lunatic at Iowa, just maybe not as much of one. But it's hard to attribute that to Tom/Terry since he may have just grown up a little. I don't think he would have had much more success had he started at Iowa as opposed to Drexel though. Guys like Desanto will always have a hard time getting out their own way.
  13. 1st #1 to lose: Nino Bonaccorsi to the winner of the Max Dean/Silas Allred winner. 2nd #1 to lose: Real Woods to the winner of the Ryan Jack/Brock Hardy winner.
  14. I have no problem with riding, but let's just put some limits on it. If, after a minute, the top man had to be actively working for the fall or cut the bottom man loose, I think that would improve the offensive scoring and make things more interesting. Don't get me wrong, riding is an art and I'm not in favor of getting rid of riding time, but encouraging more scoring is a good thing and the fall is the ultimate in wrestling.
  15. Accidentally posted before 2! 2. The top man's objective is to work for the fall. Period. This means that mat returns are required so as not to be hit with stalling. Riding, for the sake of riding would be stalling unless working for the fall. I also prefer some sort of time limit on pure "riding" before being called for stalling. Maybe after 1 minute has accumulated: the ref would let the top man know that he has 1 minute of riding time accumulated and will need to work for the fall, or let the bottom man go.
  16. The Ankle Grab thread got me thinking about riding. Many appear to not like riding/riding time but the rules (and the scoring) encourage it. That said, and working from the premise that the rules should always reward offensive scoring, I believe the top and bottom man should be held to the following standards: 1. The bottom man's sole objective is to escape (or reverse). This means building a base when flat then following through to (hopefully) achieve an escape/reversal. Anything less is stalling. 2.
  17. Priceless! He got a decent look at Purdue's ceiling this year as well.
  18. I like listening to Jim Gibbons. He's brings a lot of technical knowledge to the table and delivers it in a colorful way. Tim Johnson is okay too but does have a tendency to nut-hug the Iowa guys a little too much for me. Shane Sparks is just flat-out annoying - it's like he's trying too hard all the time. He should also just propose to Spencer Lee and get it over with.
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