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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. Snooze fest of a match. Dake nolf
  2. Mat3 during Snyder went to like a parking lot shot then this awful angle
  3. Lee picked up that single leg and simply walked him out of bounds. Thats meh Lee fan
  4. Step out points suck. (Lee fan)
  5. Attendance seems low. Did they sell out the venue?
  6. He’s like a 17th year senior…. Hasn’t announced if he’s even coming back so you could be wrong.
  7. I guess jb is lucky other guy ducked him and moved up a weight. He was prolly worried his career was gonna get ended lol. post the whole vid already. Y’all whining about the end quite a bit but not showing any vids. Anyone notice Cstar quitting in the consis? At the Olympic trials not interested in making the world team after calling everyone out? Not a good look.
  8. Clearly mm did nothing wrong in that second video Lol
  9. Or……….. we could totally debate the semi final imbalance in an infinite loop until we’re all dead.
  10. Pd3 caught a lot of flack for skipping the consi matches. Is sort of what I was trying to point out.
  11. Anyone know where Cstar was for his second bout?
  12. Why not treat the semi bye as the 1 seed. That’s essentially what they are going for stylistically no ? Ignore ish the seeds that help facilitate the 1 seed getting to the semi and it looks like this (Pre Vito skipping I’m just not re drawing) similar to fide chess candidates world champ tourney The returning champ sits in the finals…. While the next 8 qualifiers play 14 total games (double round robin) for the right to play the returning champ. Sometimes (last year I think) the returning champ does not play. In that case whoever wins the challenge tourney is world champ.
  13. He hates going to school/classes no? Would he meet the admissions requirements?
  14. He still has time to drop out. Not sure why he bothers at 86 he had almost no chance at 74. Otoole and Carr just dropped out due to injury too.
  15. Wonder if he has the tools to piss on anyone’s grave up a weight. What’s your vote on whose career will he end up at 86?
  16. he is a one time confirmed cheater, five-time Big 12 champion, a four-time NCAA runner-up, a U.S. Open champion, Pan Am and Pan Am Games champion, and UWW world silver medalist while part of the Cowboys. fix’ed it.
  17. In big companies. Often for big promotions (like director to vp) they give you an interim title…. Like senior director or they keep your director title to see how you do before allowing the title promo???? Something like that maybe. Or it’s something nefarious and they don’t wanna commit to this.
  18. The real question here is are Forrest or Basset ever going to be able to beat a chimpanzee in a fight like some former PSU wrestling standouts?
  19. Rapinoe is an America hating tool bag. It has nothing to do with whose genitalia she likes to cozy up to.
  20. If you fix the seeds. I.e medal winner #1. Make sure #1 has bye to semi… I.e no 8,9,16 seed. Aren’t the matchups in quarters the same as it is here ? Semis are flipped though but this doesn’t seem all that wrong.
  21. Will people add Greco training to their arsenal to get better at push outs
  22. So is the argument. Freestyle is a far superior product. But the viewership and attendance is lower for big tourneys cause of university loyalties? how would you explain mma going from nothing to better (financially) than boxing which used to be the ppv king?
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