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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. There are old Iowa haters that refute stories about elder dan gable in the room all the time. I wonder if they really don’t have an argument given the stories come from Iowa room guys.
  2. Maybe. …. For his thesis. He is doing a study on the biggest set of wrestling fans in all of ncaa wresrlong. Your Iowa hate is strong young one.
  3. Biggest most awesome fan base in all of ncaa wrestling.
  4. Aaaah. Subtle. He is a migrant laborer for Mexico now according to that article. I can re-link if you want. I also found some articles where Mexican Olympian’s are complaining about the recruiting of American athletes to come take spots on the Mexican Olympic team. For example something like 15 or 17 softball players on their team are American. This coach is on record calling the process immoral ….. I guess they hold try outs in LA and other places and actively recruit folks who are not clear #1s here to rep other countries. For some people it isn’t as cut and dry my friend. As far as xenophobia ha. What about those Mexican athletes training their whole life for softball soccer baseball wrestling etc….. using American $$$ facilities and trailing to come take their spots. Y’all be crazy sometimes.
  5. Right here in the New York Times brother: https://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/15/sports/olympics/15citizen.html
  6. My point was ….. no surprise here He completely skipped 8th grade once to play vids to get a leg up on his competition. He had it rough back then. I know a lot of kids that could just be so good…. That he skipped 8th grade.
  7. He completely skipped 8th grade once to play vids to get a leg up on his competition. He had it rough back then. I know a lot of kids that could just be so good…. That he skipped 8th grade. I grew up poor too.
  8. This is a New York Times article. There are some comments where USA athletes are not happy about what’s going on. You can’t be a dik quoting the nyt… it’s the woke bible also. Don’t be pissed the cklv team helps their folks more? That’s on y’all psu folks…. If nlwc does not want to support their folks You sure can
  9. I don’t know what wording or what manner of toxicity you are referring to. I was just wondering why cklv supports their migrant worker athletes better than nlwc. also I didn’t make up that title in reference to oly athletes competing for other countries. I found it in a New York Times article from 2008….
  10. Didn’t get an answer on the 50/50 thing. if they are not financially supporting rby’s family as well as cklv supports their migrant worker athletes………. Do you find that xenophobic? Is it possible cklv will have a leg up on recruiting these types of athletes?
  11. Are the nlwc matching 50/50 for that go fund me?
  12. And despite all the hysteria in here….. it has not been growing over the last few days.
  13. He left. Just like the rest who left get shade …. It’s hardly a garbage take. It’s only not cool now that psu joined the Michigan defection train.
  14. I didn’t think it was appropriate to advertise the go fund me for another country.
  15. He’s part of the USA’s oly org?
  16. I’m totally slippery sloping ….. but could it impact team titles ? The scoring record ? If he’s illegally on peds maybe it should.
  17. I’m guessing if he gets bounced from the Olympics the ncaa could take some of his ncaa titles away no?
  18. Is this a banned ncaa substance too? Is there a world where if. “If” this is true….. could they go back and remove ncaa titles?
  19. Now now. That insult is only allowable for gambling allegations. If it’s psu fan colored sun glasses your way off base lol
  20. Question is. Would psu fans and / or Cstar boo Taylor at the Olympics?
  21. True. But you can’t compete forever. And that industry…. If he’s successful he will make a ton of money. Millions probably.
  22. LinkedIn says he’s a part time sales associate. If he goes full time that is a 150% full time job. Hedge funds are fairly notorious for paying well….. and having no work life balance….. that’s a dog eat dog world My only thoughts on the 150% is that if he goes into sales in this field. He is done training and coaching unless he can exist on 0 hours sleep for the rest of his life.
  23. I’d argue it’s literally what social media is for.
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