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Everything posted by CHROMEBIRD

  1. I was in a presentation with the ESPNU 141 split screen of Mendez-Hardy and Woods-McNeil muted and nearly jumped out of my seat at the end of both matches, which happened at around the same time. Also: does anyone have a GIF of Hardy when he got spladled? No hate on Hardy bc he's a good dude, he just had a really funny look on his face and sighed after he got caught in it
  2. WTF there were kids in the Iowa HS tournament literally named "Kale"??
  3. They never put the score back up. What was the final?
  4. Feels like they're extra jumpy this year, just bouncing around like crazy during the first session
  5. Is it just me, or has he gotten more mumbly? I like Robles but he didn't sound the same earlier today
  6. But it's already 6:30pm, he might be ready for bed soon
  7. I was pro-halo too even though it did absolutely nothing to protect my ears
  8. Got a link handy? They didn't air it on the main ESPNU broadcast
  9. ESPN showing so much Aaron Brooks hype content, then cutting to commercial in the middle of his match
  10. That scramble was crazy. Tough loss for Rotchee
  11. Late to the game, but: 125 - Terukina 133 - Chlebove 141 - Composto 149 - Abas 157 - Saldate 165 - Fish 174 - Mocco 184 - Feldkamp 197 - Surber 285 - B.Hill
  12. I agree, it's exactly what Manning was getting at. Not to give PSU a free pass but to be fair, it sounded like Suriano really wanted to wrestle, fractured ankle and all, and the coaches didn't want him risking his health. So, they probably gave him up until the last minute to prove he could go. Tough situation for all. Not sure why they didn't reseed the bracket before to the first session. They'd have to do it anyway if someone missed weight.
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