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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. Yep. Concert tiks work the same way. It's a bad deal. The venue holds 15,000 and pre sale generates some hype.
  2. Lots of folks share your opinion. I thought he had a good freshman season and he was cutting quite a bit. Looks like we're going to have to wait till after his RS to find out.
  3. He's not wrestling HS kids any longer. He's fine.
  4. So instead of making it rain, they are making it hail...
  5. That cat is middle age. Not like the Renaissance or pestilence either.
  6. I always believed FRL was for entertainment purposes...
  7. bdhof is a known Buckeye fan. He loves Captain America.
  8. I don't believe either are an upgrade, seeing how they are the two who are developing the talent...
  9. OSU fans have wanted to get rid of Tom Ryan for a few years now. Fans are assholes...
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