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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. The world is filled with assholes who have, 'personality.' He's a dumb kid. There is much about life he has yet to experience and understand. His only asset up to this point is that he's a very good wrestler. Not much more has been proven...
  2. The admins come to me and say, "Apply for the job, it's yours but we still have to go through the process of posting it and taking applications." Nothing legally binding there, but it has and does happen. That's how I believe this went down and it just didn't happen.
  3. I never considered that I was watching DT compete for the last time...
  4. “You can fool some people some times but you cant fool all the people all the time”
  5. To be fair, I believe you did that. I was asking for confirmation. But I hear you...
  6. For the dummies in the back... Federalist - Statesmen and public figures supporting the proposed Constitution of the United States between 1787 and 1789. The most prominent advocates were James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. They published The Federalist Papers, which expounded the principles of the early federalist movement to promote and adopt the proposed Constitution.
  7. So your message is, choose the terrorist you support wisely?
  8. Not true. You said: I wanted to see him finish up his career with another Oly Title and maybe a WC or 2 Agreed. I just don't agree that it would tarnish anything...
  9. After an Olympic Gold medal and two World gold medals... Not a chance. Folks would believe the right man was in the right weight class.
  10. No it isn't. Folks who do this are either perfect or assholes...
  11. No it doesn't. His tune (and mine) all along was/is that it's CS's job and there are procedures and processes that must happen before a university can hire/name a FT coach/employee... But considering how often you've push-backed, It's appears that you're excited and looking forward to that, 'gotcha' moment of us being wrong...
  12. You're saying, if he got in, won an Olympic gold and then a couple more World Golds there would be a, "tarnish?"
  13. That cat can just be, 'The Silent Killer.' Although, I would love to see him expressionlessly wreck dudes in MMA...
  14. Some folks may argue he did USA wrestling dirty with the timing of his decision not to wrestle at 2023 Worlds. I wouldn't. I hope he was able to make and save some money. I hope he wrestles internationally for the USA in the future and is successful. No ill will from me about the choices he's made. Just part of growing...
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