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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. My good mate is a Hammer. Liverpool for me. West Ham moves on to the fourth round in the FA Cup. They needed a win. Watch this strike...
  2. You cats are bougie... "This bourbon-rich, sage-infused, and maple-drizzled smash is all that stands between you and relaxing on the porch this season. This smash takes a traditional liquor—bourbon—and gives it a fresh flavor by complementing its robust notes with earthy sage, sweet maple syrup, and fresh lemon. These ingredients are among those that work with bourbon to bring out its flavor palette, rather than challenge it."
  3. You found a mat with announcers or do you just mean sound?
  4. Same here. But if you say you've never seen the whistle blow during an attack, who am I to say different... Glad to know there's another Premier fan in the gang.
  5. I told him thirty minutes ago. I think he's pulling coax.
  6. My Pop was an electrical contractor for 50+yrs. Did a bunch of that. My suggestion...
  7. If filling the outside water bowls count, I'm fulfilled...
  8. I hear ya Brother. I 'chainsawed' up and split a fallen tree and stacked wood this morning. I'm done for the day. EDIT: Wyoming/ISU at 2 ET. ESPN+ https://www.espn.com/espnplus/catalog/30f2f3fd-cdcd-30ef-8c0f-063ac28d5661/ncaa-wrestling#bucketId=2
  9. I don't watch HS soccer, much like I don't watch GS wrestling. Nowhere in the laws of the game does it mention time being extended for scoring opportunities. I love the airborne sakrete. An 80# bag on each shoulder keeps you young or makes you old, my body has mixed reviews at this point.
  10. Lol. You're doing a lot of explaining today about things that are well known...
  11. I'm a soccer junkie and I've witnessed the whistle blown hundreds of times off of attacks from a corner, a cross, a long ball, etc. Time is not allotted for scoring chances. To claim it is, is wrong. Besides, @flyingcement, I believe knew where I was and probably wasn't looking for anyone to come to his rescue... "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
  12. The King wrestler of the three doesn't change weights. If you want his crown, come down and get it.
  13. Because there are no time outs and the clock doesn't stop, the game has, 'added time' for the purpose of injuries, time wasting, arguing with the officials, etc. not for scoring chances. As I'm sure you're aware. If we added ten seconds to the clock after a stalling call though...
  14. 125 McCrone loses 4-2, but gets RT. 133 Mendez wins 20-6. Looks good. 141 D'Emilio wins 10-2 with RT. 149 Sasso wins. Fall. 157 Paddy loses 5-4. Gilcher wrestled tough. 14-6 at the break. 165 Wilcox wins 10-7 with RT. 174 Smith wins 10-4. RT. I'm guessing Romero at 97. Nope. 184 Romero wins by fall in 4:00. 197 Shumate loses 9-2. Got caught in a cradle. 285 Orndorff loses 7-2. 26-13 OSU.
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