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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. Well wtf are we revisiting in a couple months? Iowa's moves or Bouzakis' move?
  2. He also said Keegan wouldn't push his buddy out of a weight class...
  3. What are we, "revisiting?" Bouzakis going to Iowa or Iowa making moves?
  4. If only Tulsa wasn't in Tulsa... I left Oklahoma, drivin' in a Pontiac Just about to lose my mind I was goin' to Arizona Maybe on to California Where the people all live so fine.
  5. Pretty damn good outing for the Buckeyes. Fourth place finish and five AA's. Mendez, D'Emilio, Sasso, Smith and Romero. Fourth place exceeded everyone's expectations. Go Buckeyes! https://ohiostatebuckeyes.com/ohio-state-in-fourth-at-ncaa-championships/
  6. She gets whatever she wants. I get fed and wrestling. It works.
  7. I told my gal she gets about a month and then we start again. I didn't mention, Denmark, Estonia, Kazakhstan, etc...
  8. Yianni, McKenna, Lee, Henderson. Who else will be there?
  9. Be careful what you wish for. For the dummies in the back.
  10. I never believed that they did brother. I was hoping that you might get a, 'giggle' out of it. Thanks again.
  11. Thanks to lu_alum and Vak. It was fun. I was hoping to go wire to wire at the bottom. Star and Bartlett pulled me up though. lu_alum's daughter and wife may hate him. Conspired against him from the very start. I've heard stories of folks being buried in the desert's around LV...
  12. This OKST thread sounds similar to an OSU thread...
  13. Snake draft with fifteen, 'jumped the shark' if you were a one or two. Ask goheels1812...
  14. I believe TR has won two challenges(if I'm wrong someone will tell me).
  15. I don't disagree. I just don't believe he has it.
  16. OSU Mendez 133 slight chance. D'Emilio 141 less than slight chance. Sasso 149 AA Paddy 157 slim chance. Kharch 165 better chance. Smith 174 slim chance. Romero 184 AA Hoffman 197 almost no chance. Orndorff 285 almost no chance. Go Buckeyes...
  17. 6-3. Paddy loses close, can't finish. Hoffman... Orndorff's loss iv SV is the worst IMO. Mendez gets McGee. D'Emilio gets Woods. Sasso gets Realbuto. Kharch gets Caliendo. Smith gets Brands. Romero gets Hawks. Five of the six are winnable...
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