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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. Agreed. If he wants to wrestle this season he does. I'm just not confidant he holds it for two more seasons. This seems familiar...
  2. I believe they're ready to go up now but they'll have to hold one more season unless Mendez RS's...
  3. On a 19-9 true freshman who was sixth at the national tourney? Bet you were feeling pretty smug after that Mathews match...
  4. Agreed. He may have been like Kyle...
  5. Geog should have been wrestling. He needs the work. I'm fine with Rogotzke shirting. Kharchla and Paddy if healthy and starting this season doesn't excite me too much.
  6. I believe those two have to hold the weight for another year. Then a, 'bump' and fill in with Davino and Kilkeary. If I knew anything, I'd be rich...
  7. In the PBS world vs the Youtube world, one group knows both...
  8. Haselrig wrestled for University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. He is the only person to ever win six NCAA titles in wrestling, three times in Division II and three times in Division I...
  9. But he's also talking about remembering twelve bowl games. He's way overshot his number of bowl games compared to that 1965 year he's throwing around. Maybe that's his Dad's birth year...
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