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Everything posted by silver-medal

  1. True but I do want to mention that Romero was also a fantastic student. Pretty sure he had straight A's all through high school and mostly through college as well. I don't think his major was Kinesiology.
  2. Kaleb Romero looked awful for two years. Got healthy...moved to the right wt...made adjustments. I see Bouzakis figuring it out quicker.
  3. The cut isn't the problem. It's tactics. He has to stay fundamental. He's a talent. But he has a ways to go.
  4. Mendez....Woods....Bartlett...Jack....Hardy...McNeil I say Mendez...at this point in time. He's jumped a few levels since last season in terms of defense and top game.
  5. I'm not ragging on Lee. I won't pretend to understand how he felt. There is no question that he came back this season at far below 100% for the sole purpose of winning his 4th. But I do want to remind people about Nate Tomasello and the fact he was as determined a competitor as ever took the mat.
  6. Nate Tomasello won NCAA's as a frosh and went on to only lose three National's matches over the next three seasons. Each loss was in the semis. Each time it was to an Iowa wrestler--Gilman, Clark and Lee. Each time he came back to take third. That takes balls.
  7. They had brutal draws and wrestled well in their first matches. Also, based on the season they had, 4 qualifiers was a strong finish.
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