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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. Berlin is featured on both soundtracks fwiw
  2. I can't remember the last time I spit.
  3. I get what you are saying: none of the wrestling stuff in the film is gay. But step back from the question of mimetic accuracy for a second. Why is the filmmaker making those decisions? Why does Swain get his Ultra Flexes from the gay guy at the hotel? Why does Swain do Tai Chi in his warm up?
  4. I just rewatched Vision Quest a few times this weekend. Idk but this essay seems right for the most part: https://1morefilmblog.com/2017/04/02/the-queer-beauty-of-vision-quest/
  5. Question for insiders: Who was way better in practice than they were in matches? For example, I imagine JO is more sure of his offense in practice.
  6. If that was a stall, why not hit him again on the next restart?
  7. I thought we decided he didn't do this anyway.
  8. Ahhh, the ol' "tow" or "toe" the line etymological debate.
  9. If you like it, you're in for a treat: he has no reliable, conventional leg attacks. And, yeah, it IS exciting until you seen him do it over and over with little success.
  10. Already did. I doubt it will happen again.
  11. Yeah. That was harsh. I guess I've heard one too many kids telling their teachers, friends, family that they a going to get a scholarship in wrestling. It's not lottery odds, but it not as easy getting a pair of Travis Scott's at retail.
  12. Oh, yeah. He did. I saw him suited uop in Shreveport at the bowl game. But what I meant wss that he didn't stick around the Cowboy Wrestling Club or Gator or whatever it was at the time.
  13. You are correct, but somehow they couldn't do it right consistently. They lost him post grad, no?
  14. I think you might be right. The fact that I left Heil of my list is telling. The decline began slowly with just missed opportunities that could be explained away with bad luck or the competition having a really good team or tournament. But in the late 00's, some old and basic feature of Cowboy wrestling culture started to mutate when exposed to a new recruiting and poaching enviornment, e.g. the Hok-eyes and then Sanderson and then RTCs and now NIL. The decline also coincided with the internet-fueled changes in technique and training practices. Again, something basic in Cowboy wrestling culture mutated under these conditions. Dean Heil's initial success was a product of this feature, but some malignancy was gestating the whole time. By his senior year, it was too late. What most of us didn't see was that the whole team -- stars, starters, room guys, and coaches -- fell victim to the same distemper. Now, they're dealing with the fall out. I don't see how they can recover.
  15. I guess I'm not an effective troll, or OSU is so irrelevant at this that nobody cares to pile on or defend them.
  16. While boring, Brand's traditional Iowa-style pressure, short-arms heavy hands, push-pull, squared-up sprawls and short offense, methodically improving position on top and bottom, etc., will keep him in every match. If he can force the guy to take a half-assed shot to avoid a stall call, he can win those sort of matches. It really depends on how disciplined his opponent is. Last night, the other guy was disciplined. One complaint: Starocci shut it down at the end and danced around boxer-style. Brands, frustrated, did his own little dance. His attempt to mock Starocci sorta backfired in my opinion. I thought it was a bad look.
  17. When did the collapse of a dynasty begin: 1. Media-favorite Tyrone Lewis falls to Letters in 2004 finals. 2. Schlatter's brutal ride on Esposito in Schlatter/Esposito II 2006. 3. Jamal Parks wins a staring match lasting several years but the rules fail to recognize this dominance. 4. Undefeated Clayton Foster pinned in the 2011 finals after controlling the match. 5. Jordan Oliver freezing up and losing to freshman Stieber in the 2012 final after crushing him earlier in the year. 6. Gelogaev slips off Nelson in 2013 semi-finals. 7. Chris Perry's monomanical pursuit of "two" turns him into the most proficient staller of his era. His relatively action-packed final match vs Howe only serves to remind fans what could have been. 8. Jo Smith ?
  18. Sorry, I'm new here. I was on the other board that got shut down. Over there it was common knowledge that old school message boards aren't the only social media. My bad.
  19. Maybe, but those sort of shenannigans are a mug's game. Holding-back goes along with all the other fantasy mongering perpetrated by folks like the Manville clan. Those fools spend more money angling for f*cking nonexistent wrestling scholarships than it would take to get their kid a couple of tutors and pay for an ivy league education outright.
  20. Word. He wanted Cardinale to lay down after getting up by 10. He musta went to the DF motivation workshop.
  21. The Iowa faithful cried foul when Cardinale twisted Lee's knee in the NCAA's a few years ago. "Dirty" was the word that kept cropping up.
  22. Not a malapropism but... Anybody stop using "tripod" (e.g. re standup) and opt for "quadpod" bc the former doesn't accurately describe the position? I tried "baby standup" for a minute but found it didn't roll off the tongue. Edit: one time on Jeopardy, Dan Gable introduced answes about wrestling. One was a a video of Zadick(?) hitting a double a the prompt was something like"With his technique, wrestler A grabs wrestler B by both legs." The correct question was "What is a double leg tackle?" Gable's big book of wrestling call leg attacks "tackles," and I always thought it sounded strange.
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