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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. I think yes - they have had success in the past investing in people perceived as bad eggs like Desanto. Brands are not high character guys, but higher than the Ferraris. And plus, I said the best thing they can do - meaning - it would be a way to move forward as positively as possible whether it was true or not. For leaders that is often what must be done
  2. Best thing the Brands can do is move forward and say: our starters are Caleb Rathjen and Zach Glazier - who proved themselves on the mat, and through unnecessary adversity brought upon by people who are below the level of our program
  3. This is new to me - and I am just relaying the allegations from falling down the rabbit hole of posts on twitter since Allyson Schwab was brave enough to start the conversation. But I hadn't even considered the sounds aspect. I was thinking about the singlet aspect. I am admittedly naive, but I do have two people very close to me whose lives were destroyed by sexual predators and my heart has always been lit with a vengeful fire since knowing
  4. The allegations are not that it is an outright porn site. But that it is a hotspot for those who are interested in seeing high level detail of such things, even if they don't know anything about the sport of wrestling itself. This has resulted in an unusually high number of views for these videos, several levels of magnitude higher than the comparable video which is not filmed in the same way
  5. handful of folks in Iowa City have spent the evening researching whether they can reclaim the NIL money
  6. Funny Big Ten Plus doesn't show that. Little do they know they're sitting on a cinematic masterpiece
  7. I think even if that is the overall truth - there is some truth to what you were saying. If this was a different guy in the same situation - even a fellow Italian who may be more mild mannered like say old boy Mickey Phillippi - doubt he would have been tossed to the point of losing the title after winning the match. There is a reputation tax and I enjoy watching when the collector comes around
  8. Rathjen and Glazier are now two of my all time favorites
  9. I'm so happy for Glazier. I also tip my hat to the officials for having the balls to do the right thing
  10. Stanich takes it in Rideouts! Excellent sportsmanship exhibited by Griffin who raises up Stanichs arm in victory after the match. They must know each other?
  11. typically I would since he's the underdog and original commit, but I've always liked Caliendo
  12. There was a gruesome arm injury in the womens third place match of 109 lbs. It made me nauseous and she was screaming in pain
  13. Just him and Eischens (fresh in from Stanford on the Koll express)
  14. We need practitioners of the law to focus on spirit of the law and use some human judgment. On the other hand, promotion of blind, letter-of-the-law rule following seems like something that would sow the seeds of anarchy. If the law can be proven to be more reasonable, anarchy is unnecessary
  15. There was another thread in which idiots were saying you should never break the law under any circumstance. If the authorities are doing nothing about this and someone actually knows this to be true - the right thing to do is to take it into your own hands.
  16. In the case of Flo, they are afraid of a lawsuit I guess? But Willie has named them above.
  17. Two wrestling "photographers" one of whom is an active youth official, take pictures and videos of wrestlers which are suggestive in nature and marketed to similarly evil people
  18. It's been a tough season for VV. I wonder if he would be better off at a smaller school. He doesn't seem to have any offense to speak of on neutral against any half decent opponent
  19. Volk dec Morvari 2-0 Ayala dec McKee 5-4 Van Dee dec Schriever 5-1 Teske tech Peterson 15-0 Woods dec Koderhandt 9-4 McNeil dec Vombaur 7-4 Ferrari dec Martin 5-2 SV Rathjen dec Voinovich 6-3 Franek dec Kraisser 13-3 Swensen dec Johnson 4-1 SV Caliendo tech Brenner 19-4 Kennedy major Moreno 10-0 Ruth dec Incontrera 1-0 Arnold dec Brown Ton 4-2 Wolak major Eischens 13-5 Salazar tech Hall 15-0 McEnelly dec Gunderson 11-9 Ferrari dec Novak 7-2 Glazier dec Joles 5-4 Tabor dec McConville 11-3 Rasmussen dec Nitzel 17-13
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