Indiana now up 12-10 after hero of the week, Nick South, pins Robert Kanniard at 165. Currently Donnell Washington is beating Turley and is pretty likely to win. Indiana having a little bit of a fun underdog moment. I fully expected them to lose to Maryland
blatant head gear pull by Glory. Brick thrown, reviewed, but they still maintain the original call...
anyways, the headgear pull was not necessary for Glory to have achieved the takedown in the first place
This is a very fair criticism given my location. However I only really would do one IPA at a time. Not a fan of drinking hoppy stuff. I used to drink room temp session ales at British pubs when lived there before here. Now I rotate my house beer between Coors Banquet and Bud Heavy. When I'm within the distribution territory of Yuengling, I go with those.