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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. An equally fitting name as Allred being on Nebraska. Cornella on Cornell. We could probably construct a team
  2. This is getting out of hand. I had privately predicted a decisive Blockhus victory
  3. I get really conflicted when the team who is the favorite has a guy who is an underdog and is pulling off an upset (Siebrecht over Chumbley)
  4. Indiana very rarely gets a thread made for their duals. Last two times they did, they achieved a victory against a formidable opponent. CC: @Southend
  5. This dual could come down to the final bout
  6. Shit McKee may have gotten a minor concussion there
  7. Cronin seems completely rejuvenated this year in spite of my post above which is mostly just a high opinion of Spratley
  8. didn't see a thread. it's on ESPN U starting at the usual time of 6:12 PM Pacific
  9. It's either that or these refs are just as into gambling as my grandfather
  10. Spratley is better than Cronin anyway
  11. Do you walk to school or do you carry your lunch?
  12. 125: Matt Ramos 133: Lucas Byrd 141: Andrew Alirez 149: Austin Gomez 157: Josh Humphreys 165: Michael Caliendo 174: Michael Labriola 184: Isaiah Salazar 197: Yonger Bastida 285: Dayton Pitzer
  13. Indiana now up 12-10 after hero of the week, Nick South, pins Robert Kanniard at 165. Currently Donnell Washington is beating Turley and is pretty likely to win. Indiana having a little bit of a fun underdog moment. I fully expected them to lose to Maryland
  14. blatant head gear pull by Glory. Brick thrown, reviewed, but they still maintain the original call... anyways, the headgear pull was not necessary for Glory to have achieved the takedown in the first place
  15. I disagreed strongly with the outcome of that review.
  16. But where did Saldate go to high school and what allium is his hometown famous for producing. Come on man. What sort of play by play is this
  17. Hope we get to see a rematch between those two!
  18. What's the rationale on removing partial scholarships?
  19. trying out for the tennis team at Nebraska-Kearney
  20. My son similar (he's three) says wemonade
  21. This is a very fair criticism given my location. However I only really would do one IPA at a time. Not a fan of drinking hoppy stuff. I used to drink room temp session ales at British pubs when lived there before here. Now I rotate my house beer between Coors Banquet and Bud Heavy. When I'm within the distribution territory of Yuengling, I go with those.
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