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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. Yeah I agree. Not a big deal. Boys will be boys. Wrestling community can be quite unforgiving at times about this sort of thing. I think a lot of God fearing wrestlers have a certain idea about "drugs" and those who would want to use them
  2. Not sure - I probably should have worded it differently. There are rumblings among the forum prognosticators
  3. Brayden Thompson- sounds like he may no longer be welcome at Oklahoma State for the vaping incident. Personally I look at a guy like Seth Gross and don't think twice about offering a second chance but I get people don't want to set a precedent. Anyways, any thoughts on landing spots for Thompson? I was thinking Iowa State or Wisconsin
  4. And Mesenbrink, who didn't score any, is the best wrestler on the entire team
  5. Those people are pathetic and have already lost.
  6. Sadly for us as wrestling fans, I would guess he follows the money
  7. Thanks for sharing. Great data. I would also be interested if we added another column for capacity and then some smaller schools, as a percentage of that capacity (like clarion) wouldn't appear as bad
  8. Great for both. He slides in right away as the starter at 157.
  9. Even better these boys are respectively from Nazareth and Easton
  10. 125: Spratley 133: Fix 141: Young 149: Alvarez 157: Williams 165: Olejnik 174: Plott 184: Wittlake...? 197: Surber 285: Doucet / Carroll (RS)
  11. I don't care that much about it, but it makes for an interesting subtext when the individual story gets dry. "well sure, this match here may be lopsided, but it makes a huge difference for the team score if wrestler X can avoid a pin"
  12. You could be right - but that is a rule I'm not familiar with.
  13. Good point about Olguin unless McLane is thinking about sucking down and could beat out Crosby
  14. Conspiracy theories starting here (by me), but could it be a matter of wanting to control the program more directly through donors rather than the coach himself. In which case, they want a pawn who would be honored to have the title, instead of someone who actually has opinions.
  15. 125: DeAuggie 133: Ragusin 141: Schwartz 149: Lamer 157: Lewan 165: Griffith 174: Amine 184: Rowley 197: Rogers 285: Davison
  16. In freestyle. And it wasn't easy (Mendez toasting him like champagne in the other match) I could be wrong on this, but Bouzakis wrestles too conservative for this level. He needs to open up on offense more (though last year was a smallish sample size)
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