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Everything posted by fishbane

  1. Was Zahid Valencia suspended at ASU for failing a UWW drug test??
  2. Maybe if he got a silver it would tarnish. Gold is resistant to tarnish and oxidation.
  3. Would Taylor getting the Olympic Spot for a suspended Brooks really put the kibosh on his pursuit of the OSU opening? John Smith and Kenny Monday were co-head coaches in 1991-92 as both were attempting to make the 1992 Olympic team. Ultimately both did make the team and the job went to Smith on a permanent bases. Taylor wrestling in the Paris Olympics would wrap up in August before the academic year even begins. By comparison it would be far less of a distraction.
  4. That was in the qualifier (end of Feb) at 74kg. I didn't see him in the results for the championships (earlier in Feb). I am more surprised to not see him in the entries for the World Qualifier. I would have thought if he wrestled in the Pan Am qualifier he'd at least take a crack at the world qualifier.
  5. I didn't see Palacio in the entries. Didn't he attempt to qualify at the Pan Am qualifier. Is he injured or something? He was calling out that heckler just the other day.
  6. Who Gable or Sanderson? They both attempted to make multiple Olympic teams. Gable tried to make the team in 1968 but lost to Bobby Douglas. Douglas was the rep in 1969 and 1970. I'm unsure of Gable attempted to make those teams and was beaten out or skipped them to focus on NCAA competition. He made the team in 1971 and won worlds. He then made the Olympics in 1972 and won those. After 3+ years off he attempted to make a comeback to make the team in 1976. After losing to Lee Kemp in an early open tournament he packed it in. Cael Sanderson Wrestled at the 2000 Olympic trials where he finished 6th. He made the world teams in 2001 and 2002. In 2001 he declined to wrestle after the world championships were delayed due to 9/11/2001. In 2002 the US did not send a team due to security concerns in Iran. In 2003 he made the team again and finished 2nd. In 2004 he won the Olympics and retired. In 2011 he made a comeback winning the world team spot and placing 5th at the world championships before retiring again. I don't think it is accurate to say either competed for "one Olympic cycle."
  7. In the 80s Iowa was the premier program and they tried to hire Gable to replace Chesbro. Doesn't seem like they even made an attempt or if they did Sanderson considered it less than Gable did. https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/1984/03/23/paper-says-osu-casting-eye-at-gable/62809463007/
  8. I think it is a sign of OSU diminished stature in the wrestling world that they went to State College to pursue Taylor and/or Cunningham. The OSU of twenty or so years ago would have taken a swing at Sanderson.
  9. Presumably he'd have to do some amount of work to earn it, so it could be viewed as him declining to do the job for half the pay. Or if he waited until the second semester of his junior year to do the job he would get 2x the money. I think the excellent aid packages at the Ivy's had been a selling point for many student athletes. It guarantees any potential athlete an affordable education and presumably a high value one. Now if a potential athlete of modest means has an athletic scholarship offer at a non-Ivy and is weighing that against a generous aid package at Cornell that meets 100% of his need via grants it might not be as close. In the past the decision might have came down to free school at a non-Ivy school vs nearly free school at Cornell. Now that NIL earnings are a thing at the scholarship school the student athlete can keep 100% of his after tax NIL income, meanwhile at Cornell he would be sending half of the first $130-$180k or so in earnings back to the school.
  10. I thought Princeton didn't give out loans as part of aid packages any more. That their large endowments allowed them to meet 100% of all students need up to the EFC with grants and scholarships that do not need to be repaid. I think most (possibly all?) of the Ivies have a similar system along with some other top private institutions (Duke, Northwestern, MIT, John's Hopkins). Some public schools have a similar guarantee for low income families. Vito Arujau had stated that he didn't go to heavy into NIL and merch sales before 2023 because it would have negatively changed his Cornell aid. The student's income component to the EFC is 50% after allowances (pretty much taxes). So the calculation would assume that 50% of his after tax income should be contributed to his education. If he made that money in 2022 it would go into the FAFSA calculation for the 2023-2024 school year and with Cornell tuition/fees/room/board at $90k/year, if his EFC was low he would end up paying 1/2 (after tax) of a significant amount of $$ to Cornell.
  11. There are some Americans and/or NCAA athletes attempting to qualify for other countries in men's freestyle that have not been mentioned yet in this thread. 65kg Anthony Wesley (Cape Verde) Lachlan McNeil (Canada) 74kg Mitch Finesilver (Israel) 97kg Ben Honis (Italy) https://uww.org/article/world-paris-olympic-qualifier-2024-entry-list
  12. Yeah it was an instagram story that disappears after some time period. He had a screenshot of a conversation with the alleged guy that was heavily redacted. This is the closest thing that's still up https://www.instagram.com/thegreentoepalacio/reel/C6FUu8vv7-9/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/thegreentoepalacio/p/C6XW6wxs4hJ/?hl=en
  13. I dunno man in reference rio the documents case the Trump indictment is pretty damning. He lied to the feds tried to get his own lawyers to answer the subpoena telling them he didn't have any. He had Walt Nauta move boxes to documents to hide them from his lawyers. His lawyers found 30 some documents and according to Trump's lawyer's notes he still tried to convince him to not turn them over. I would think the main reason Trump was charged whilst they declined to prosecute Biden and Pence was the differing levels of corporation among the three. Biden and Pence cooperated and turn the documents over. Trump hid them and caused his attorney to file a false declaration.
  14. If it's so easy to find spend a minute to find it and provide a link!
  15. The lady in Iowa submitted was convicted of 23 counts of fraudulent voting. That was more than voting on behalf of her deceased mother. Where is the proof of widespread voter fraud by liberals that law enforcement declined to prosecute? Trucks full of ballots? Mailboxes stuffed? What are these two tiers to the justice system?
  16. Why did you say "I have never heard of ballot harvesting on the right." if you were already aware of this? What was the name of the woman alleged to be stuffing ballots into a mailbox? Where was this done? Where is the video available? Do you have a link? What are these two tiers to the justice system?
  17. Dylan Palacio claims to know the identity of the heckler and has called him out. Not sure who I would be rooting for if that match happens. I'd kind of like to see both of them take an L.
  18. Here are examples of Republicans committing voter fraud in PA. All are convictions. So you can't say you've never heard of voter fraud by Republicans again. "Robert Richard Lynn Registered Republican Robert Richard Lynn was charged with a third-class misdemeanor for using his deceased mother’s credentials to cast an absentee ballot for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. He was sentenced to six months probation and 40 hours of community service. Francis Presto Francis Presto of South Park, a registered Republican, requested and cast an absentee ballot on behalf of his deceased wife. He was charged with felonies for interfering with an election and unlawful use of a computer and a misdemeanor charge for forging a ballot. He was sentenced to a diversion program of 2 years and ordered to complete 250 hours of community service. His charges will be dropped upon completion of the terms of his diversion program. Bruce Bartman Bruce Bartman was charged with falsely registering for an absentee ballot on behalf of his deceased mother and his deceased mother-in-law in the 2020 general election. A registered Republican, he used his mother’s driver license number and the last four digits of his mother-in-law’s social security number to register them as Republicans in effort to cast fraudulent ballots for Donald Trump. Bartman cast an absentee ballot in his mother’s name, but did not obtain an absentee ballot for his mother-in-law. Bartman pleaded guilty to two felony counts of perjury and one misdemeanor count of illegal voting. He was sentenced to five years’ probation, is barred from voting in any election for 4 years, and is no longer eligible to serve on a jury. Ralph Holloway Thurman Registered Republican Ralph Holloway Thurman voted twice in the 2020 presidential election. After casting his vote, Thurman asked a poll worker if he could vote on behalf of his son, and when workers informed him that it was not allowed, he left the building. Later that day Thurman returned, disguised in a hat and sunglasses, and signed the poll book as his son, a registered Democrat. After casting the second ballot, pollsters recognized him, notified the judge of elections, but Thurman left before election officials could confront him. He pleaded guilty to one count of repeat voting, a felony. Thurman was sentenced to three years' probation and is barred from voting for four years as part of a negotiated plea deal." All those came from the Heritage foundation's voter fraud database - https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud. There are also plenty of entries for Democrats that have been convicted. Where are these convictions or proof of election outcome changing levels of fraud by either side? And what do you mean by a two tiered justice system? What are the tiers?
  19. Maybe across the entire state of Pennsylvania, but I highly doubt he was ever up in the city/county of Philadelphia. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/woman-convicted-voter-fraud-scheme That's an actual conviction. Her husband she was harvesting votes for is a Republican. Did any of the project Veritas stuff lead to actual convictions? I recall that postal worker in Erie, PA that initially said something fishy with postmarks but later recanted.
  20. I don't think the right or left is more likely to commit voter fraud. Either side will take an advantage if allowed. You see this with gerrymandering. That isn't illegal unless it's done to the extreme, but its practiced by both sides. It's not like one side wants fairly drawn congressional districts and the other is out there drawing crazy lines. In states where Democrats draw the lines and it's possible to do they do it and likewise the other way round. Both sides could register fake voters on election day. Both sides could mail in fake ballots. What explains the Pew findings is which side would benefit from the legitimate ballots each question would allow or suppress.
  21. I dunno man 750k is more votes than were cast in Philadelphia in the last election. I suppose it's possible a truck with fake ballots got delivered. I don't recall anything about it. There were those two crazy guys that drove from VA with a Hummer full of fake ballots. I don't think those got counted and instead they were arrested on weapons charges. The part of your initial post on this truck that I find most difficult to believe is where you said "Trump was way up in Philadelphia." That sounds unbelievable. Trump only received 17.9% of the vote in Philadelphia in 2020 and 15.2% in 2016. No republican presidential candidate has won the city of Philadelphia in really 100 years. If you are asserting that at some point in the counting process Trump had a sizeable lead over Biden in Philadelphia I would have more doubts about the ballots that had been counted up until that point than the ones that were delivered and counted after that. Trump having a lead in Philadelphia isn't really credible.
  22. I don't remember any of this. Trump was way up in Philadelphia, PA? In the 2020 presidential election? How large was this alleged truck? Trump lost Philadelphia County by 471k votes in 2020. He lost it by 476k in 2016. Are you suggesting that Trump actually would have won Philadelphia County in the 2020 presidential election if not for this alleged truck?
  23. There are 23 states that require a photo ID according to ballotpedia: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia , Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Of those states, 10 (Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin) offer a free photo voter ID. Six states (Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, South Dakota, and Texas) allow a voter without photo ID to sign an affidavit or declaration and cast a regular ballot. Ohio also allows this but the voter can only a provisional ballot. It appears that Oklahoma will accept a county elections board ID card which doesn't have a photo on it. So whilst these 23 states have voter laws that to some degree require a photo ID 8 will allow a voter to cast some kind of ballot without one and 10 will give anyone a free photo ID. I think at most six states, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, and Nebraska require a photo ID and don't have a free option.
  24. I was looking through this table on ballotpedia - https://ballotpedia.org/Voter_identification_laws_by_state It seems like most states that "require photo ID" will either allow someone to vote without it or get a voter ID for free.
  25. Yeah I agree. Yeah where I lived, which was suburban most people got them, before 18. I think you could only get your permit the minute you turned 16. It wasn't that important to me and having a cars is expensive. I went car free a couple years post college too. At one point in time I was cycle commuting 16mi one way to work 5 days/week. I imagine not getting a license at all or until after you are legal voting age is more common in urban areas or in households that cannot afford multiple cars.
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