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Everything posted by hawkguy

  1. They blow michigan out in the duel without aj Ayala = > deaugustino Teske < ragusin Woods > Cannon Whoever iowa throws out > mayora Franek > lewan Kennedy = < amine Brands < griffith Assad > rogers Whoever > yatooma Cass > davison
  2. 2020 was also the year psu took 4th at big tens, and unlike 2022, kemerer could actually spin his arm in a full circle, and eierman had access to both of his knees. Plus lee over ayala and lugo over murin. Lee was probably having his best year to date in 2020
  3. Name one time cael has developed a lower tiered guy to major a number 1. You're creating scenarios that do not exist.
  4. If you think cael wasn't recruiting the number 1 recruit in that class, then I can't help you man
  5. Yeah, that would have sucked landing the guy who majored your guys major recruit...
  6. Anyone know why cochran didn't use his last year of eligibility last year? Was looking like an AA contender in 22
  7. Probably very similar to yours lmao. Just not big on putting guys places until I see results. Plus I could see him losing to trephan, pitzer, or maybe even Nevills/luffman
  8. Drop Feldman down to tier 4 until we see results that would indicate any higher, is Bastida actually going to HWT?
  9. I fixed it to say folkstyle. His matches with cass being closer doesn't really say much considering cass has been wrestling much closer with everyone ever since he lost all of his baby fat a couple years ago.
  10. How is davison equivalent to cass when he Is like 0-5 or whatever against him in folkstyle?
  11. Idiotic take. Nobody is dealing with the aftermath of double ACL surgery and all it entails
  12. Cory Clark literally won a title like a year before lee got to the room lmao
  13. I mean its not crazy absurd that laird wins 197....
  14. Everyone predicting bartlett wins this year needs to get real, more than likely to not place than win a title. I predicted iowa unfortunately severely under performs at ncaas this year
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