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Everything posted by Royalfan

  1. The easy answer is you are wrong about him being the worst in all of them.
  2. They did put the time back on the clock so you might be correct.
  3. It was incredible to witness. I cannot understand that bizarre tying caution for the life of me. Can anyone explain this to me?
  4. There would be the same amount of wrestling if they did it like soccer, just as there is the same amount of soccer in a soccer match as if they stopped the clock for injuries and such.
  5. Good point. I hadn't thought about it that way.
  6. JaJenson09 recap. Cronin another dominating performance. He should be in the NCAA finals. Burwick. Got the first TD showig he can beat him. JUst needs to get off belly and not get gassed and he is All American candidate. Hardy controlled the match against a good wrestler. Should handle him easily next time. Morton Damn near put Sasso on his back early on. If he can do that top Sasso he is serious threat to qualify and score at nationals. Robb. Controlled the match and did a great roll through when he needed it. He shouldn't be touched after this wake up call. Wilson. He is back! He should be able to qualify. Labriola Great win. Was never in much jeopardy of losing in hostile environment. Pinto Not sure who he can't beat. Brooks in serious jeopardy. Allred. Just boatraces yet another guy. Should be a hell of a match with Dean in finals of Big 10. HWT. It was just strategy.
  7. Reading comprehension must not be a strength. How Cronin fared against Lee in relation to how others have has absolutely nothing to do with how Cronin has done in his other matches. Your homerism has to at least make something resembling sense.
  8. Everyone doesn't get dominated as bad as Cronin did though.
  9. So the Lee match doesn't count? How exactly am I "trolling?". Because I am a level headed Husker fan and you are not, it makes me a troll? Ok padna.
  10. I wonder why they wouldn't just "strategically" take a forfeit.
  11. I am aware of Cronin results. I don't think he is a top 2 guy like you do. I hope I am wrong, but I don't base what I think on what I hope like you do. 149. It is an interesting strategy to give up 6. That makes no sense whatsoever. 174. Who cares? He did wrestle.
  12. Thoughts from a Nebraska perspective. 125 Cronin was very good again. A small part of me things he is overachieving a fair bit. I hope I am wrong. I think it is a little bit too easy to get to his legs against the good ones and he won't be able to continue to fight it off one legged. He is great at it though. His game in general is strong and he could finish anywhere from 2nd to a 1-2 record in NCAA tourney. 133 Burwick is better than this, but the writing is on the wall that he cannot score much at NCAA. The challenge will be to make NCAA at this point. It is almost like he is so used to not being able to get out from Hardy in practice he has lost all confidence in being able to get out against anyone or something. Still hopeful he can find a little bit of confidence for when in matters most 141 Hardy was awesome. Class act as well. People not Husker fans are going to be very sick of him by the time he is done. I think he can beat anyone with his best match. Also starting to realize his floor is heartbreak round and inching close to being higher than that. He needs to seed himself into a good situation. 149 Just a debacle with the redshirt. Anyone know why the Huskers didn't have anyone ready to go tonight? 157 Robb rebounded from the takedown well. He is the small favorite to win at one of the weakest weights. Fun to watch. 165 Hopefully Wilson is just getting a couple weeks to reset and work on things before it gets important. Hopefully no injury. 174 Ruth is athletic and is very dangerous. Labs showed a lot of heart to get that win. I hope he is okay and perhaps that match will help his gas tank as long as he is okay. He had to go through hell to win that. Very important win. He needs to be a 2 or 3 at NCAA if he cannot beat Penn St at Big 10 tourney 184 Pinto another solid effort. I hope he can find a way to work up the seeding ranks. Probably going to have to be done at Big 10 tourney as it is getting late. The grueling match after match every hour at Cliff Keen could loom large in a bad way for his seeding. Tough weight class. 197 Allred with a huge win for seeding prospects. He is wrestling so much smarter of late. Not quite as risky with his stuff. Finding better situations for himself. He is very dangerous as he can always pin anyone at any time. It would be awesome if he and Pinto can go down a class next year. 285 I was excited to see what Andrews had. I had no idea he was so small. Is it possible he can be 197 if the others go down? He didn't look much bigger than Eric Schultz to me. What are we thinking he weighted in at? Is there any hope for Nebraska to qualify a 285? I am losing hope that Davidson can do it and no way Andrews can imo.
  13. I never said he was dominating the match or close to dominating the match. The match changed big time after Amos got injured however.
  14. It affected the outcome in a huge way. Amos could hardly move the last half of the match.
  15. Injury completely changed the match if we are being honest.
  16. Jackwagon: An objectionable person; a jerk; a jackass.
  17. Yeah it went over your head as I mentioned previously.
  18. Sorry about the lack of paragraphs in my post. I tried to edit but was too late apparently. I will do better next time.
  19. Summary from Husker perspective. 125 I thought Cronin would at least not be so scared to compete. The result was what I ultimately though was 50 Plus percent likely. Tfall major making up the rest of the result. Was hopeful he would show more dog mentality starting the dual. 133 Burwick He comes out swinging and then runs out of gas. I hope that his struggles on bottom are gas tank related and can be rectified. He is around the 17 or 18th best guy at the weight. I hope he can find a way in to the party as he would have had he been cleared earlier. 141. Woods is better than thought. Hardy also better than I thought. He has that look in his eye that losing doesn't sit well with him. Future is bright for the Huskers at this weight. 149. Glad they didn't burn Ridge redshirt. Morton will need to battle and get some medical default breaks at the Big 10 to make it. I like him and would like to see him get that shot. He just isn't very talented and appears to be undersized on top of it all. 157. Robb did what Robb does. He doesn't really put himself in a position to get in trouble very often. Iowa guy has some upside IMO. I fear Robb will lose one he shouldn't if he isn't just a touch more aggressive. And by a touch i mean a very tiny touch. 165. Wilson doesn't seem like himself. This is disappointing as he was one of my favorites last year with his grinding mentality. I hope he can get it figured out as he now is in a spot where he pry needs to steal a bid. 174. I was worried about this match. Brands is smart and was able to control the scoring while "stalling without stalling" I really want Labs to get a 2 or 3 seed and a loss here would have helped move him to Penn St. side of bracket. Good win. 184. Pinto is more talented than his performance by far. But he has to figure out how to win these close matches soon or he will have a very tough seeding situation at NCAA tourney. He can beat almost anyone in this class and future is bright. 197. Allred just got outsmarted by the crafty veteran. Hope he learned some things and can get the gas tank to a place where he can just go after him non stop for 7 minutes. I really hope he is able to go down a class nest year and Pinto as well. It is harder to see Pinto being able to as rumored. 285. Davison is trying. He ultimately got pinned because he kept trying. I will keep rooting hard for him as long as the effort remains.
  20. Warner is a master of stalling and not getting called, especially on top with the pushouts.
  21. Well, when you post things you don't really think are going to happen then there are issues. He was looking for side bet action in the side forum on the Husker S. Dak St. dual. But when challenged to put his money where his mouth is on his bold confident takes he runs for the hills. He did not believe what he typed at all. Is that what you want? Every homer predicting a win by his guy in all matches that have a pulse? Personally I come here to get insight from others on the programs they follow and get honest takes. I try to be that guy with the Huskers. But if you prefer I go all out homer, I could give it a shot perhaps.
  22. You predicted 7 Husker wins and said they look way better than Iowa who has looked like crap other than 125 and 275. Until a bet offered. Same thing with Wilson discussion. Perhaps take a rest from posting what you don't even believe. Making Nebraska fans look like clowns.
  23. And ducked taking Nebraska in the dual as well. He can be the smartest man in the room if the Huskers pull it off, even though he doesn't actually believe what he types much of the time.
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