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Everything posted by scourge165

  1. Yeah, literally NOBODY is arguing with you. I don't know if you're doing a bit here, but it's standard...they extend everyone. Everyone gets a 5th year added...
  2. Yeah...I get that. That's why I said, "it's standard." The only rationale reason for Gard to be on the same standing as Bono is because they care a whole lot more about MBB. And if McIntosh was willing to do the same for non-revenue sports as revenue sports, he would have.
  3. Yeah, I'm just being optimistic I guess. I'm also looking at all the graduations and the fact that he's going to go '57 and he'll have Hamiti to workout with. Or maybe he's a '65 and Hamiti a '74. I don't know.
  4. Where does that team place in the NCAAs? Top 4? Hamiti could win it at '65. Cardenas could be in the finals at '97 and win it(I'll take Carroll though). McGonagle top 5. Fish, Parco should both be top 5 IMO.
  5. I completely agree. There is ZERO chance Brooks can win a 5th title. Starocci on the other hand, the one with another year left, he's a dark horse to maybe win a title next year.
  6. Well...Yianni and Dake were both 3 timers, so they've got that checked!
  7. Yeah, it's standard. But just maybe this one time they could have said, "4 years of security is good enough for you." Apparently, their WBB program is even worse. I know the MBB team, which was ranked 6th, just lost 4-5 significant transfers and their HC is in no trouble. I suspect they're not going to be spending much money buying out non-revenue generating coaches unless or until their Football team starts to really generate more revenue. Especially with all the money going toward their new facilities.
  8. I see it he same way...but I don't even see Mesenbrink being a dick. He's just SO amped up and Wrestles at such a high level... Sometimes this shit seems performative(I'm thinking of a fairly recent Iowa Wrestler...not a 133 LB Iowa Wrestler) and sometimes it feels like it just comes from being really locked in and having that type of mentality. I do think it'd be annoying and I'd THINK he was an asshole, but I don't think MM is trying to be one. I think he probably really respects JB and just wants to win. Just wanted to push the pace as that's his best chance. I think we're making more of this than necessary.
  9. Oh Christ...this shit again? He was asked, it wasn't about him, he was making the OBVIOUS observation that he'd be attacking and trying to get to that leg. This isn't kids club, nothing wrong with what he said. If that's not part of the equation in your head at that level...well, you're probably not at that level. Bo Nickal said some stupid shit and got people worked up over the DUMBEST shit ever.
  10. I think the DeSanto comp is fine...once you get past the Drexel and just go to the Iowa Wrestling time frame. They're both maniacal competitors with non-stop motors and you won't see them give up a TD on the edge because they THINK it's just going to be a step out or on the Collegiate level because they let him. This comparison is poisoned by the dirty shit from the NCAAs Desanto's Freshmen year vs Micic, but if you ignore that, I can see why people think that. They'll go from physical banging and diving and faking and just non-stop constant movement...which is again not fun to deal with even from a bad Wrestler(I can only imagine how much it sucks from a great Wrestler). I see why people would take it as a sign of disrespect to MM....but give me the guy who Wrestles to the Whistle, who runs back to the center, who's holding absolutely NOTHING back and who genuinely seems like he's having more fun out there than a pig in shit. Again, all of this should be a non-story. The people taking sides, talking about JB talking smack during his career, I don't recall that other than with Dake who would generally be the one to initiate. He's 35, this was a last gasp for him and he's done. He's had such an incredible career, lets not take shots at him...and lets not take shots at PSU FANS rooting for PSU fans(short of taunting JB as he's walking off and that sounds like a very small number of assholes).
  11. I don't think they're antics. I don't think he's like a Hendricks, I just think that dude is absolutely non-stop...and most of us here have wrestled someone like Mesenbrink(on MUCH lower levels as they're usually that try hard JV kid) and they just keep kinda smacking you and they're awkward. JB lost his composure, but Mesenbrink got about 12 shots at the whistle that seemed to have went largely ignored. It's not that big of a deal at the end of the day though. Mesenbrink may piss people off with his style, it's JBs job to deal with it and it's the home crowd's job to cheer for their guy. I don't have a real issue with any of this.
  12. 1-You said you can't be the best if you lose in your prime, no? So...if you've NEVER won the Olympics in your prime...you must not be the best. Again, your own flawed logic. 2-I never said he was. Maybe work on your own reading comprehension there sport. 3-Did I say I "can't appreciate the greatness," because she's a she? It's just a silly, contrarian take. But, carry on!
  13. Cool. Well, John Smith won an Olympic Gold. Grey didn't. By YOUR own argument, Grey isn't the GOAT. This was also the era where Cary Kolat had about 19 matches overturned on bullshit calls, but there's neither here nor there. Also...this is just silly. Why are we comparing Men and Women? There are a 100 different differences here, but this was obviously the greatest Men. This just feels like a contrarian take.
  14. I said it didn't "count?" I'm THRILLED you can translate for me! Now, please slide off, I need to take a piss. Find someone else and whine about their choice to them. Deal?
  15. Yeah...I'm searching for where I said it "didn't count." And Sad must be compromised? Yeah, I'd say the neck surgery immediately following that match was evidence he probably wasn't 100%. Just a wild take though
  16. Thank You. This SHOULD be a subject where you're extolling the accomplishments of ALL of these dudes(with DT in the mix). You can argue for everyone. Gable was so insanely dominant in his time. One loss and it's the biggest in US History(domestic). JB-Speaks for itself. You could go on, but...unless you go on a 10-year run where you're undefeated(or people believe that, but you actually lost a match nobody remembers). Even then, plenty of people think Lopez is the best Greco Wrestler ever, not Karelin. You NEVER get a real Apples for Apples comp in any sport. In Football, eras vary so much and teams vary so much. Barry didn't have Smith's OL. So you watch and you come up with an informed opinion. I rank some 3X Champs over a couple of the 4X Champs. I could see Mesenbrink ending up in my top 2-3 greatest College Wrestlers ever. If you want most accomplished...well, there are some great statisticians here who can plug everything into an excel spreadsheet and come up with a great list!
  17. Ok...so just mocking Flo trying to drum up content? That makes sense.
  18. Why though? I'm not trying to be sarcastic...I genuinely don't get the point of this.
  19. So...Saitiev avenged his loss at age 25 to Slay? You can't be the GOAT with an unavenged loss like that in your prime... Sadulalaev was also clearly compromised for that match.
  20. Yeah...I don't agree. 6 weights vs 10. Dominated at 86, went up to 97 and has dominated, I lean to Sadulaev. I'll take him as the best ever. But, as the thread says, you're free to take whomever you'd like.
  21. I can't? Abdulrashid Sadulaev is the greatest wrestler ever. Yeah, I think I can!
  22. Ok...I don't think so, but this isn't my hill.
  23. He's terrible James. Sorry. Probably so bad that he's going to lead to the end of the PSU run. His technique and lack of work ethic will spread to the staff, Cael will grow so tired of it, he's likely to retire with Cunningham and they will open a bed and breakfast up in Vermont. Not in a gay way or anything, they just want a change of pace. Mesenbrink is already transferring out from what I hear. At that point the NLWC folds and then most of the High School Wrestlers in the state decide their futures really lie in pickleball and that's what they start to focus on. Sorry, just my real honest opinion on 'How good is the #1 recruit in his class.'
  24. I think he was juiced to the gills and Sadulaev clearly not himself. He was slick, but I don't think one tournament changes...what, almost 20 years of international Wrestling.
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