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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. dude... you just changed my words to fit your narrative and felt perfectly justified in doing it... i could go find any article with "research" that proves any point i wanted to make... that does not make it a fact... i can go find an article with "research" that says childhood obesity is caused by global warming... does that make it a fact? what is a "fact" is that you have a bee in your bonnet and are running in circles trying desperately to feel some way that you clearly are not... good luck, brother... you need it...
  2. not according to your posts... you believe what you want to believe... again... whatever... normals always make me me praise Odin i am me... you are no different...
  3. so... found out yesterday that my oldest turned down his spot on the U20 pan am team this year... only reason i knew is that a friend posted on the facetubes that his kid would be going to pan ams... another friend hit me up and asked if my kid was going... i told him i thought so but just saw the same post... texted the boy... you not going to pan ams? why? his response... "because i do not want to" holding others to your own thoughts and/or preferences will always leave you frustrated and empty feeling...
  4. compare the two statements and point out the differences... or do not...
  5. please send all complaints to the department of redundancy department...
  6. here... perhaps this will help you a little... i didn't say that... you interpreted it that way... but brother man above is right... this is silly and gets no one anywhere... you will still be you no matter what and thankfully i will still be me... keep living your best life, brother...
  7. see? you have proven my point... i did not say that, but, because you see only what you want that is how you interpreted it... no matter...
  8. there are exponentially more beliefs than facts... the issue is most think their beliefs are facts...
  9. i am pleased you finally got it... like del said, all is well in the cosmos...
  10. oh please... he may have the same opinions of some anonymous poster, but, to think he is stealing them and using them as his own is a special kind of arrogance bordering on psychosis...
  11. another post i am going to quote just because 100% truth...
  12. franktown... the simulation proves once again it is in full effect...
  13. plethora is not too strong a word...
  14. uuuummmmmm... i'm not sayin you know too much about the view... but... i'm just saying...
  15. there are both kinds on both sides of the argument... i used to listen to FRL religiously and have heard my kids names on it once upon a time... but... since we have gone full time greco there is absolutely no reason to bother with them... which is shameful, but, typical... for me currently it would akin to listening to the view...
  16. again... anyone can find anything to support whatever beliefs they have on the subject...
  17. are there federal laws against poor souls with his lot in life being able to open up financial accounts on their own? if not there 'ought to be...
  18. james green is the development coach for the other style... i have nothing but good things to say about him, but, to be fair that is mostly second hand info... bill zadick the national team coach... again, nothing bad to say about him at all... cheney haight is the development coach for greco... no interaction with him at all, but, that is a symptom and not the problem... national team coach for greco? i will kindly exit the chat here...
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