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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. with as much whining as there always is domestically at all of these events, you would think the stands would at least have a few of these "fans" nah bruh...
  2. i hope it is packed... but "fans" typically would rather complain than show up...
  3. stop it, sweetie... you are making me blush... keeping being as adorable as you can be!!!
  4. clearly it is giving you a thrill because you keep coming back for more... which whatever, sister... you be you... judgment free zone here... just like you all like it... as always... you... are... adorable!!!
  5. you have definitely hit tilt tonight, sweetie... try again tomorrow... or not... either way... adorable!!!!
  6. don't worry... you would not be man enough for anyone of the ilk...
  7. while i do agree with the basic premise... maybe in a high school gym it will look somewhat attended... not like very many "fans" come to support real wrestling anyway...
  8. you are... 100%... absolutely... ADORABLE!!!!
  9. Would be interested to hear the reasoning for some of the Greco seeds… I have a theory but whatever… no real difference between 2 and 3…
  10. we found out this weekend if he gets the opportunity to do it…
  11. my guess the odds of it being sold out are roughly similar if the tickets were $50... this country only truly supports wrestling when the participants wear the color of the school the people failed out of in the second semester...
  12. dude... if you haven't checked her out you should... proper punk rock and a cutie pie on top of it...
  13. i bought two tickets recently for amyl and the sniffers for the girl child and i... $185 for a punk rock show... pearl jam may have been onto something in the 90s...
  14. i am hoping for only one upset... but... you guys are not interested in the best style...
  15. no one is forced to... the only time i even hear his name is when someone posts about him being a jackass again on this forum... i did receive an invite to his FB page full of jackasses (assumption)... nah bruh...
  16. i have said it before and will say it again... mineo is the biggest jackass in wrestling... and coming from me, that is saying something...
  17. but it is the reality... they can charge whatever the market will bear... my guess is the guidos know better what the market will bear than anyone who is going to whine about it does...
  18. i can not believe this is the first time i am hearing this... punk rock royalty covering punr rock royalty from a generation earlier...
  19. (i totally nerded out with every line read)
  20. we used to flay people alive and hang them in the town square in a cage so everyone could watch them rot as a reminder to not question authority... is social media that extreme?
  21. of course it isn't because it does not support your obvious agenda... but... it is the ultimate point...
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