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Everything posted by CA_Wrestler

  1. I forgot that it started already haha. Should be really fun
  2. There are going to be a lot of excellent matches at the Meiji Cup. The reason why a lot of wrestlers also competed at non-Olympic weights at last December's Emperor's Cup is because if they lose in the upcoming Meiji Cup, they can still challenge at the non-Olympic weights if they won if the Emperor's Cup like: Risako at 59kg, Kiyooka at 55kg. None of the other world champions from 2021 and 2022 for the womens team competed at non-Olympic weights last December, so if they lose at Meiji, they're out for a year unless they can compete in U20/U23. Japan's U23 team has mainly the women that haven't been able to make the senior team or made it once. U23(Umi Ito, Tsugumi Sakurai and Yuka Inagaki the most notable), U20(Kiyooka with some others plus 2 high school students) and U17 national tournaments just happened a few weeks ago. Japan did NOT have anybody competing at 68kg for U23, so I don't know if they're sending anybody for the U23 World championships. Due to lack of depth at that weight, all eligible 68kg wrestlers are competing for the Olympic spot instead. It's going to be amazing. Especially 53kg.
  3. 50kg- Yoshimoto(JPN) dominates China's rep in the quarters, then gets 2 pins in the semis and finals. Showdown with Susaki next at the Meiji Cup in June. 53kg- Fujinami(JPN) teched her way through. Showdown between Fujinami, Shidochi and Okuno coming at the Meiji Cup in June 55kg- Tokyo Olympic silver, Pang beats Kataoka(JPN) in the semis, then beats MGL in the finals. Kataoka placed 3rd by beating UZB in the bronze match. 57kg- Nanjo(JPN) beats UZB in the finals. Going to be interesting come June with Risako, Nanjo and Sakurai. Especially because Risako and Nanjo were in the same room for a really long time and are good friends. 59kg- Sakano(JPN) beats China in the finals 62kg- The only real surprise on the womens side was that Tynybekova beat Ozaki 2-2 on criteria in the semis, then went on to win the tournament. It'll be interesting to see how Ozaki performs at the Meiji Cup vs Motoki, Inagaki and Yukako Kawai. 65kg- Long(CHN) beats Yoshitake(JPN) in the finals 68kg- Ishii(JPN) beats Nisha(IND) in the finals 72kg- Bakbergenova(KAZ) beats Niikura(JPN) in the finals 76kg- Nagashima(JPN) lost a really close match, 3-2 to Medet Kzy(KGZ) in the semis and then lost in the bronze match to Pryia(IND) in another close match, 2-1 Team standings: Japan 205 China 149 India 143
  4. Nothing surprising. 5 of their #1s aren't going. -50kg- Susaki hasn't competed in an Asian Championships since 2017 where she won gold. -53kg- Fujinami just needed to get back to 53kg to qualify the weight for the Olympics. I would like to think that Ochir would be fun to watch against Fujinami. But seeing how Fujinami just dominated Ochir the last time they met, I think it'll end up going the same way. -55kg- Kiyooka not competing because she's been dropping back down to 53kg as planned. If she loses at the Meiji Cup, she can still challenge for the 55kg spot in Belgrade. Kataoka is Japan's #2 at 55kg, but is really their #3 since Shidochi also dropped back down last December. -59kg- Risako has been dropping back down to 57kg as planned. if she loses at the Meiji Cup, she can still challenge for the 59kg spot in Belgrade. Sakano is their #1 at this weight now. She's a full-time police officer. I don't see how she can even train properly. -62kg- Motoki not going and it's weird to even think that Ozaki(3x world champion last year, but lost to Motoki in the finals of the Emperor's Cup) is the #2. -76kg- Moro, who just turned 18 isn't going and Japan's real #1(Kagami) is still recovering from a torn pec muscle she had prior to the Emperor's Cup last December. So, their rep going is Nagashima, who is Japan's #3.
  5. I can't find any brackets, either. None to even be found on the UWW page for this tournament or anywhere else.
  6. Beck just got teched by Natami. Beck got in on a double, Natami sprawled, spun around and locked up a lace. It was over shortly after that.
  7. Fujinami td into a semi-half to pin KAZ in 52 seconds
  8. What's interesting about quite a few of these non-ranking tournaments recently is that: For the Klippan Womens International Tournament(seniors), Japan sent a team consisting of only 7 high school students and the won three weights(50, 57 and 62kg). They had one second place finisher(53), two 3rd place finishes(68 and 76) and one 5th place(65). For Dan Kolov, Japan only sent college students for all styles. Fujinami won the collegiate championships at 55kg with ease last year, but I'm sure this is just her testing herself against bigger opponents again. Only 3 more months to determine most of the spots for Japan's 2023 World team/Olympic team. Japan had a national team camp the other week and Fujinami was practicing with Susaki most of the time. You can see Fujinami pinned an opponent today using one of Susaki's signature moves-> Bent leg turk with crossface.
  9. Yep. Leverage is everything in Judo. One of the best examples that I can remember in recent times was David Terao and his NCAA tourney run in 2016. Joey Dance went for a ride courtesy of David Terao and also got Connor Schram in the quarters to advance to the semis with a pin.
  10. Blades was really fortunate on that last sequence...hung on tp win by 1
  11. Tynybevoka and Luo in a super close match.
  12. KGZ trying to turn Blades, slips and Blades on top. Blades with a td and turn to end it via tech 12-1. I said this 2 years ago, but if she is able to win the 76kg spot, a whole lot of people are going to have trouble with her length and speed. The main thing is what Mike mentioned...her inexperience.
  13. KGZ has been looking to throw for the past minute
  14. Blades looking good right now against KGZ. Her speed and length playing a big factor. Up 6-0 at the break
  15. Didn't see Blades' first match, but she barely got by her quarterfinal opponent from ECU on criteria(4 pointer) Tynybekoa just teched Miracle. Was winning all of the positional battles. Bullen(NOR) and Koliadenko(UKR) had a Nashon/ADS match and Koliadeno won with very short time by getting a turn and a lost challenge, 14-12. Didn't get to see any of the other matches.
  16. The strategy you just mentioned is big against Judo backgrounds. As soon as you push, you're going for a ride. I know from experience having practiced against a multi-time national judo champion in wrestling practice. He never shot. Only closed the distance and looked to hand fight into a throw. The complete opposite was Tony Okada of Savannah HS(Anaheim SS). He would always look for leg attacks in addition to using Judo. Tony made the 1992 Olympic team for Judo, but he was really, really good in HS. 2x California state champ in wrestling then went to San Jose state for Judo..
  17. Yep. That's why almost all of the time I say that people need more attacks than just hand fighting. Especially in womens wrestling. I always like to see setups for leg attacks from neutral in addition to hand fighting.
  18. The main thing was that Teshya had a baby in that time after she lost in the Olympic trials semis and when she was trying to make the senior team team again. Not a great thing when you're that young and trying to wrestle full-time. She's always competed in judo and BJJ, so she stuck with BJJ and won the IBJJF World Championships in the womens adult blue belt division last year
  19. Susaki was waiting for Stadnik on the mat and I stepped away? MFF aka scared? I figured Zhu would beat Golston and Zhu is up 5-0 at the start of the second period.
  20. Very tough match between Dolgorjav and Stadnik. Susaki vs Stadnik on the bottom half semis Golston vs Pawar(IND) now in the quarters. Jiang Zhu(CHN) awaits the winner in the top half semis.
  21. Womens 50kg- the bottom bracket is comically loaded. Susaki, Stadnik and Dolgorjav
  22. For Japan's womens team, they basically have junior team aged wresters, but that's who won the Emperor's Cup spots(lol) 5 of their seniors-Susaki(23), Fujinami(recently turned 19), Nanjo(22), Motoki(20) and Sakano(28), replacing Risako Kinjo(Kawai) 3 juniors- Kiyooka(19), Yoshitake(20), Moro(18) and Sasaki. Sasaki is an interesting one because she's 18 and placed 8th at the Emperor's Cup at 59kg, but wrestling up at 68kg? Typo maybe?
  23. lol I didn't even know they were streaming from there. I just happened to open youtube and it's one of my subscriptions, so it popped up. Didn't go to any other site because I forgot the tournament was happening.
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