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Everything posted by RegularStalling

  1. Koll never wanted to be at Stanford. It was a paycheck until he found something he liked better. Hope the program/next staff can retain most of its recruits and continue regaining traction after almost being dropped.
  2. May be a biased take, but I’d imagine his coaching staff/class of ‘23 has to feel a pretty shafted. Made his “recommitment” to Stanford then jumps ship a couple months later the week before school starts and it’s likely too late for others to find new landing spots.
  3. Would love for it to be Merrill, but my guess is Zepeda. Willie floated the possibility of him transferring to Valiant last week, so I assumed there was some link to ASU.
  4. Negative side of the Covid year imo. Guys like Bernie wouldn’t leave if they didn’t have the additional year after completing undergrad. Makes sense to move on for grad school, but it makes for bad optics for smaller programs.
  5. Wonder how Figs feels being at home right now. He has a win over Ramos and won a tournament that included Ramos, Cronin, Ventresca, and a couple R12 finishers.
  6. the always impossible to track true 2nd match…
  7. Shane was noticeably frustrated at his inability to generate offense throughout the entire match. I’ve seen it a few times on the forums, but he’s a prime candidate for HEW.
  8. Agreed. Just a really disheartening decision from Zeke. He had flashed, but like many true freshman, he had an up and down season. Putting him in a position where his only route to NCAAs was to win a conference tournament is just wrong.
  9. He’s putting too much emphasis on trying to win a 6 team conference tournament.
  10. Malpractice from Zeke. Some times you have to save kids from themselves. What a waste of a year of eligibility.
  11. Even with his record? I’m not an expert on the system used, but I think he’s going to finish around .500 with 14ish matches
  12. Embarrassing season for ASU. Zeke better hit the portal hard.
  13. Arizona State stands a real chance of sending 4 wrestlers to the tournament…
  14. Any idea if there was a wrestle off between Courtney/Figs? Or was this just a Zeke decision?
  15. It has nothing to do with McGee. If they felt he was their starter of the future at 133, I don’t think they’d burn a year. He’s 6-5 with zero chance of a WC at a one qualifier 141. If they felt like he was a cornerstone they wouldn’t be doing this.
  16. You really think they’d burn a year of eligibility if there was a chance he’d be their guy of the future at 133? It has nothing to do with McGee.
  17. Ysaguirre being the replacement for Vasquez is interesting. I think it’s an indicator that they don’t think he can make 133 going forward.
  18. Both were honored at Senior night. I feel like Shane is done after this year. Garvin is coming off redshirt, and from my pov, Shane didn’t seem all that into it this year. Eischens could go either way in my opinion.
  19. Vasquez actually went 61 KG after wrestling at 149. Don’t think it’s likely that he makes the move down, but still something to take note of.
  20. I think it’d be a mistake to send out Ysaguirre for PAC 12s, even if Vasquez is on the shelf. ASU should keep the shirt on and call it a lost year. As for next year, I’d really like to see Ysaguirre make the cut to 133. Figs-Ysaguirre-Vasquez-Parco could be a salty first four. I personally don’t think Ramos is in their plans.
  21. The decision to go with Courtney makes less and less sense.
  22. A little under the radar but; Cardenas burned his shirt against CP last night.
  23. Good to see Cael Valencia get a win. Putting together a pretty solid second half of the season after a forgettable start.
  24. Prediction 125 - ASU 3 133 - ASU 4 141 - ASU 3 149 - ASU 4 157 - ASU 3 165 - OSU 3 174 - OSU 3 184 - OSU 3 197 - OSU 3 285 - ASU 6 ASU 23 - OSU 12
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