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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. If he is wrestling right now that means he is wrestling, correct? Why are you so stupid sometimes? I was trying to tell your dumbass to tune in so you don't miss it, for ***duck**s sake.
  2. Shows you what they weighed in at, too. 238 for Bastida 236 for Feldman 232 for Pitzer
  3. Is NC State going to pull this off after starting down 18-0?
  4. Clarion snatched him from NIU.
  5. Yeah. Not the one that just happened, the one before.
  6. I mean... Ech is getting quite a following on Twatter.
  7. I did. If you aren't banged up you aren't practicing.
  8. I bet he would. The only duck that mfckr knows is a superduck.
  9. He also ducked. (He wouldn't duck an actual nuke, so I doubt that is true)
  10. You're bonkers if you think he was 215lbs. I watched the kid growing up. He was larger than 215lbs when he actually wrestled 215lbs. When he got 'down' to 215lbs after he was injured it was due to not training. That wasn't a natural walk-around weight. The guy is as solid of 255lbs as there is. He's not super lean because he is a heavyweight, but he isn't too small for the weight. You're trying to cite one case where he dropped weight due to injury... it even says that in the article you posted above. He isn't 215lbs now and when he got back to his actual competition weight he wasn't anywhere near 215lbs.
  11. If Sharks and Hummingbirds were both mammals then we coule all suckle their teets...
  12. I would like to be clear: The Cornell wrestlers? Top notch gents. The coaching staff? No sac. I hope Knox de-commits after this embarrasment.
  13. They need a rule to prevent this pathetic-ass excuse for ducking that the Cornell coaching squad just put on.
  14. To be fair, I did ask them on Twitter in about as constructive a manner as humanly possible.
  15. I believe the consensus has gone past ducking and straight to the lack of testes.
  16. If I wasn't worried about other schools not getting their chunk I would submit for reimbursement. This is trash.
  17. No balls. Absolutely no balls from Cornell here. Embarassing for Journeymen. They sold us Iowa State-Cornell and the Cornell coaches bitch out.
  18. Cornell has ducked 3 of the first 5 matches. ***ducking** pathetic.
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