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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. DeAuggie losing to Smith means he will have to beat Ungar (who was handling him) or Davis, if he gets by the Rider kid in the consis...
  2. It's wild because 197s 8-9 matchup could be the best 8-9 matchup we have ever had and neither are sniffing Brooks. If Brooks and Hidlay hadn't moved up we would be talking about them as title contenders.
  3. For those needing/wanting the track bracket: https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/predefinedtournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=771443132
  4. I have it as Mocco in my bracket and I think that is absolutely a barnburner of a match.
  5. I am sorry for that. That is my bad and I acknowledge I have a shitty character. I won't fck around anymore this morning.
  6. Wild that it is already going and some wild matches already...
  7. Figured we could get this ball rolling on discussion... we are t-minus ~two (2) hours to greenlight.
  8. Rumor has it that Brands has already reached out to bring him to Iowa on a twelve figure deal.
  9. Through Round 2, Davis has the highest percentage chance of losing on Day 1. No others have a real chance aside for injury or deckfall.
  10. The benefit of Sta(l)rocci is he is going to beat anyone in NCAA wrestling at 75% right now, even Lewis. The problem is that he isn't at 75%. He is at 100% until he plants his knee wrong or gets in to a scramble situation where he can't control the direction his knee is facing while his knee is bending. At that point he is some percentage value closer to 0% than 100%. He knows how to wrestle Lewis. He has shown that. I am not worried about a Lewis match for him. If I am Sta(l)rocci, or his coaches, I am worried more about a guy with a smothering mat game, someone who is lightning fast in neutral and can get to legs, or someone who wraps up legs in transition quickly. It probably isn't someone with one of those attributes that can beat him, if he wrestles smart - which he will. Wrestlers in his path to a title that fit at least one of those attributes: - Adam Kemp - I have Thompson beating Kemp, so no worries there. - Shane Griffith - I have him meeting him in the semi-finals... I think Sta(l)rocci just has too much horse for him, though - Edmund Ruth - I don't have him making the finals. - Cade DeVos - I don't have him making the finals. In short, I don't see anyone beating Sta(l)rocci this weekend.
  11. After reviewing 141, I think the re-draw has me pinching my sphincter a little bit more than I would like. Lemley loves to scramble and let folks get to his legs... Belton finishes shots quickly and is one of the faster 141lbers in the bracket. This has upset written all over it and I hope I am wrong.
  12. VPN in and get a frèe trial. Can probably get a VPN trial as well.
  13. All valid points, obviously.
  14. I think you meant 61 KG here. It is true, too. It's because he us a 57 KG. He might be big, but he isn't built for any other weight class. Furthermore he is still our best bet to medal at 57 KG. If gas tank is the concern, then you should be more concerned about Lee's as he yet to prove he has one against Worlds level competition and has gassed against lesser folks. Gilman on the other hands has gassed quite a few Worlds medalists the last few years.
  15. Me as well. In my completely biased bracket I had Penn State at 172 and Michigan at 147.5. Seemed legit, but I did an unbiased one ti be safe and had Penn State at 178 and seven teams within seven points of each other for 2nd. Michigan was still obviously 2nd. As far as Ragusin, that Tech was hard to watch, but he has still beaten him twice this year. He will get him a third time. I know from boots on the ground that he has been wanting another crack at Fix since he decked him last year. I don't think he beats him. He has a touch 5/12 matchup in Latona early, too. I like him to get in the 3-6 range, matchups depending. I have him losing to Fix and Arujau right now and beating everyone else - Latona, Shawver then Bouzakis in the consi-semis and Bailey for 3rd. Bonus: Fix over the hump and Arujau for the NC. Gomez is set up nicely to make a deep run. The Arrington quarter is where he wanted to be. He doesn't match up well with Parco, so hopefully Kasak or Lamer can knock him off before the semi-finals. He doesn't want to see Henson as that is probably the worst matchup for him. I like him to win it if he deosn't face Parco in the semi-finals or Henson in the finals (that means I have him over Lovett in the finals). That is also my prediction as I have him over Lamer in the semi-finals. Davison can very much take 3rd in this bracket, but he needs some breaks. The problem is he would need to beat Bastida potentially twice, and I don't see that happening. So he needs to lose to him, hope Pindrickson reverses the Big 12s result in the semi-finals then catch him in the consis. I don't think Davison can beat Kerk or Pindrickson. Not in the cards. I like him for 3-5th. Predicting him over Catka, then losing to Bastida, beating Elam, beating Schultz, and losing to Pindrickson for 4th.
  16. Is 141 the only updated bracket?
  17. I mean... he might not be training, but he did compete for the spot a few weeks ago and lost. Pretty badly, at that...
  18. A lot of this could be conjecture. You do know that, right? Manning might have been transparent with USA Wrestling and the brass there. Unless you were intimately involved in the situation on either USA Wrestling's side or Manning/JB's side, you can't possibly make an educated opinion on the matter.
  19. Easily. And the easiest matchup is arguably Lewis at 174lbs, who has the toughest quarter (assuming Sta(l)rocci is to form).
  20. Can we get the thread title changed, @BobDole? It should actually be "Coach Manning calling a spade a spladle!"
  21. It's actually worse. At least Caliendo had horsepower and size on Mesenbrink. Bastida doesn't have either on Kerk.
  22. Bajie isn't looking like he will be the rep for India at this point. Pretty sure youth has overtaken him and India has some great young wrestlers to boot. As far as beating guys at 65 KG, honestly? No. Not really. His best wins are domestic. He falls in to that Metcalf role at 65 KG (143.3lbs) where they were big, solid 149lbers in college who relied on a tank and physicality. When it came to the international stage they would/did rely on the same things and would win their first match via gassing them out, then gas out their second (or third) opponent who would often lose the following match because they gassed early due to their match against Metcalf/Nolf. At 70 KG Retherford has gas for days and days and it is obvious that it is due to the weight management of 70 KG compared to 65 KG.
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