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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. You're not going to believe this...
  2. https://www.michigangrappler.com/news_article/show/1246229
  3. https://www.michigangrappler.com/news_article/show/1246229
  4. Some insight, courtesy of MichiganGrappler: https://www.michigangrappler.com/news_article/show/1246229
  5. Well, if it is over one player contributing/pitching then say the TEAM achieved a no-hitter. If it is a complete game call it an INDIVIDUAL no hitter. There have been many, many no-hitters ruined because a 2nd pitcher allows a hit or a fielder commits an unforced error. So if we start giving individuals credit for partial no-hitters then we have a lot of people who deserve more credit. Hell of a guy comes in and relieves someone and allows no more hits, he also pitched a no-hitter...?
  6. I saw the results. It weren't that I wanted that to be the case, or was even advocating for it. It was that Swafford didn't exactly entice me too much, but I am over it at this point. I was theorizing options for a higher tournament or dual output. I still think that if Swafford and Kennedy were to swap they would have a higher peak tournament point total. I even said that I would prefer that over any of the other guys bumping up to 165 or 174.
  7. Swiderski went and beat Mendez twice in convincing fashion while Mendez was running train on the senior circuit. Swiderski talked and walked the walk there and he kept on talking when it came ti wrestling as a true frosh. I have my concerns that he has been lifting hard and heavy to get bigger, faster, and stronger and he outgrew 141. He was 145+ the last two high school seasons, bumping to 160 for the team a lot.
  8. I don't even know if he was 4th string... maybe 5th. Holy crap.
  9. TYVM. The only caveat is that after the 2020-2021 season there were actual talks in the room about Lewan and Amine swapping weights, as Amine was generally lighter. He isn't heavy, or big for 165.
  10. I think it was weight related, too, despite him saying he was committed to be a 197lber lifer for Wiscy. His Greco weight of 97 KG is 16lbs over that and he was not going to go in to that at 205lbs or so.
  11. The whole of the Cornell squad has a lot of guys who could sneak in to that Top 3, pending draws, health, etc. I mean, Jordan Wood wasn't the 3rd best or even 5th best the entire season. At NCAAs he did place 3rd.
  12. One of my more memorable ones, in person, was Brent Metcalf VS Dustin Schlatter at the Medina Holiday Invite their respective senior scholastic seasons: As an avid Davison follower and supporter in the Roy Hall from the late 1990s on, there was a certain aura of invincibility around Brent heading in to his senior season. Many people intimate to the scene believed that he was the best 145lber (ever) but would be not just a contender for a title at the D1 level, but a favorite to win. When Schlatter took it to him at his own game (Metcalf won in rideouts), folks started to understand a little bit that we were entering a new era of middle weight depth. People absolutely believed that Metcalf was the truth AND that we had 'other' truths in the chamber. Everyone who left after seeing that match had not just a high respect but a complete belief that what they saw was special.
  13. I was born a few months after the '67 riots and had family hurt, grievously, on both sides. We didn't move to Novi until ~1975? Some if my superstitions were quite dark for some time. My nephews and grandkiddos, though? I have one that listens to only shuffle dance electro during warmups. He lost to some kid he had never lost to before when his ipod broke? Swears it cost him the match. I have one who has different colored shoes with matching leggings. He alternates them depending on home/away and doesn't wash his socks once the season starts. My grandaughter wears a purple singlet under her blue and reds. I remember an old high school teammate wore a shoulder brace even though he never had any shoulder issues. His grandfather swore by it that it helped with throw defense and he believed him 110% all through high school.
  14. I know it is over a month old, but we don't have access to the previous conversation on the matter: Do we think he puts his hat in the ring domestically or internationally? What weight and where? How long before he rides off in to the sunset to movies, MMA, coaching, or an actual horse ride off in to the desert to never be heard from again?
  15. Carr in a match that is closer than the end score would indicate. Carr will win the TD battle four or five to one, but two or three late in the third as Hamiti opens up to try and win - 8-10 points for Carr with 4-5 for Hamiti.
  16. There are many guys that can do this. Due to small sample sizes in the varsity lineups I will refrain from listing frosh and guys at new weights this season... 125 - Whoever takes 3rd here isn't ranked in the Top 6. A lot of guys that can take each other out from 3 down the lineup. Medley asolutely can beat DeAuggie and McKee, for example - so I say Medley (Michigan, 16). 133 - This weight is set. Gun to my head? Latona (Virginia Tech, 13) 141 - This weight has no clear favorite, and I think the guys ranked 10-20 are closer to #1 than at any weight. If there is any weight in which NONE of the guys in the top six were to place in the top three, this is it. I won't take the easy way out and say Swiderski (Iowa State, NR). My pick is Young (Oklahoma State, 12). 149 - This one was tough for me. Not because I wasn't sure but I wanted to say two guys. I won't say either, though, because they will both quickly climb due to being frosh. My pick here is a guy who was right there in so many ranked matches last year, while going up in weight, again, in Sherman (North Carolina, 16). 157 - His coaches have been very high on him having 'made a jump' this offseason, so I am sticking with a homer pick here in Saldate (Michigan State, 19) 165 - The 'soph' here that nobody is talking about, who beat multple time all-future-fantasy National Champ Anthony Valencia last season, is my pick in Olguin(Oregon State, 25). 174 - Rocky Jordan (UT-Chattanooga, 17). 184 - I think after we saw him seemingly regress last year we will either see a reinvigorated or even further regressed version of my pick here, Bolen (Virginia Tech, 11). 197 - Is this the year that Norfleet puts it all together? Honestly it doesn't matter as the smart money here is Beard (Lehigh, 8). 285 - We saw him make a leap last year, so it isn't inconceivable that he does it again... Hendrickson (Air Force, 8). Team - I think Oklahoma State (12), Iowa State (14), Virginia Tech (15), and NC State (17) have the youth, depth, and talent to outperform their rankings and compete for a trophy, which is top four. Everything would need to go right for them to sneak in to the top three, though. My pick here is a team that has at least two heavy title contenders and up to seven other podium threats in Cornell (7). Of all goes right for them they could sneak as high as 2nd.
  17. 125 - Barnett(UW) over Terukina via DEC UW 3 - 0 133 - Redding (ISU) over LaMont via DEC Tied 3-3 141 - Swiderski (ISU) over Zargo via MAJ ISU 7-3 149 - Gomez (UW) over Johnson via MAJ Tied 7-7 157 - Kraisser or Judge (ISU) over Model via DEC ISU 10-7 165 - Carr ((ISU) over Hamiti via DEC ISU 13-7 174 - Calhoun (UW) over Broderson via DEC ISU 13-10 184 - Coleman (ISU) over Dow via TECH ISU 18-10 197 - Amos (UW) over Bastida via DEC ISU 18-13 285 - Hillger (UW) over Schuler via DEC ISU 18-16
  18. Y'all sure are being dramatic still. I was ignorant as to how prestigious and effective Cornell's drama club was these days.
  19. I agree... hopefully those dumdum gumdrops stayed over at that there other forum yeah?
  20. Would you believe that there are people within unmentionable circles that would say that Smith hasn't improved since arriving in Cbus? The gall! Horrible take. Preposterous.
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