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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I think those three are all different tiers, even if it is a good set of gents to have. Figs is a contender, Kaylor should contend for AA honors, and Lajoie should qualify and win up to two or three matches, depending on the draw (he could also not win any). Rather I think if we are 'tiering' the P12 at 125 it looks something like this, but please don't hang on these as the typical 'tier' law I put out doesn't apply... T1 - Figs T2 - Kaylor T3 - Lajoie, Lorenzo, Reno, Flores It should be a dandy. Seeing that makes me think Lajoie is just as likely to not qualify as he is to qualify. If P12 gets 3 allocations at 125, like 2022-2023, then he has a ~25% chance to qualify and will need to beat two guys to qualify.
  2. I like it. I want him to succeed and even if he isn't going (home) to a Michigan school, he is going back home to the coach that recruited him for his final season. I'll sign off and approve that one 10/10 times. So how about him getting in a Grad Program in Stanford? Kid has some serious brains, eh? He going for a Doctorate?
  3. Isn't Cannon going to be a 141lber now? Wouldn't that be so funny for Kinner to finish at 157 when he was so comically tiny compared to the last time he wrestled there. Kinner went 5-4 at 133 then 13-4 at 157. He wrestled Austin Assad at 133, who was bumping up from 125 for Michigan that season and looked comically small doing so. Later in the season he wrestled Peyton Robb at 157 who was down from 165 for Nebraska that season and looked pretty jacked. Hell, he beat Brady Berge (Penn State) at 157 after losing to Travis Piotrowski (Illinois) at 133.
  4. I believe Zahid Valencia also has the same saying, right...? “Powder snow skiing is not fun. It’s life, fully lived, life lived in a blaze of reality.”
  5. His wife is also one of the ones being detained, if I am reading correctly. She is also a wrestler.
  6. The two on scholly should be gone after next season, when he'll be on the lookout again.
  7. I am not really a fan of the tweeners dropping. I want to see him at 65 KG. That said, he has gone on record many times saying 57 KG for 2024 was the goal then MMA.
  8. It is(was). I hope he succeeds and beats Howard out, honestly. The talent is there. He is probably one of the shortest 125lbers in D1.
  9. Nvm, @bnwtwg. I had to google like 12 words but I think I got it. You want Chittum to transfer?
  10. That hurt my brain to read. In fact, I am not sure I even made it all the way through it.
  11. It is Swafford's brother. Insert Black'N'Gold 'HE SAID HE WOULD FOR GRIFFITH' comment that is surprisingly relevant. Oh, good shit. Curious who's styoe translates better? I think 133 has heavier favorites in Arujau and Fix. 141 has Woods. If I had the choice I would eat, be happy, and go 141.
  12. Shit... what in the world do you think he has been trying to do? Wrestle 125 as a 110lb grown-ass man?
  13. He will be redshirtting and then taking over 157. Chittum will either need to move up, transfer, or ride pine.
  14. There has beek quite a bit of smoke for Byrd going 141 next season.
  15. I think redundant means something like 'inclusive awesome terminology' or whatever Beyonce said.
  16. This isn't really a fair statement. He has the frame to still physically grow in to 125. He wrestled 113lbs most of his HS season, only going 120lbs a few times for tougher matches. He isn't Michigan's McHenry. McHenry hasn't grown since 8th grade and has only been putting on ~2-3lbs a year. It just isn't happening. Cruz should be fine with another year growing in to the weight then he will be the starter for three (3) seasons after Ayala moves up. I don't see him really being a contender yet, but he has more potential than last year would show. Size was a huge factor there.
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