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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I will trump you and say that weight classes exist for a reason. Were Lee better he would prove it on the mat.
  2. I would imagine. IF Sasso is 157, Hepner solidifies himself as the 165 starter, and Welsh still redshirts. That puts it Paddy and Wilcox wrestling 174 for tOSU, yeah?
  3. Not if Kharchla is hurt or HEW. He'll slide right in and compete with WIlcox for 174, yeah?
  4. Legit in his post-match interview he said he was. Something along the lines of 'Yeah this is cool but I'm a Greco guy and will competing there from this point forward.'
  5. I uh... only brought up Zain because he did. I had not grounds to say where he was from. He said he had a better chance to medal than Zain.
  6. Do be clear I think Kilkeary is better than McCrone right now. I think this squad should seriously consider just putting the best lineup out, regardless of redshirts. Save the redshirts in case of injury or down the line - if they are needed, for whatever reason(s).
  7. I think with how Sasso handled business against Pantaleo he shouldn't even be considering 149. I think the best lineup the team can put out is this... 125 - McCrone (Kilkeary if he doesn't redshirt) 133 - Bouzakis 141 - Mendez 149 - D'Emilio 157 - Sasso 165 - Hepner/Wilcox/Paddy 174 - Kharchla (Welsh, if Kharchla is too injured) 184 - Shumate 197 - Geog (I really hope Hoffman gets to close out his career a Buckeye, but I think Geog is as good, if not better - right now) 285 - Feldman I am also okay with whoever the two best guys at 174/184 are between Kharchla, Welsh, and Shumate starting at 174/184. Yes that even means if Kharchla ends up going 184 I would be okay with that.
  8. What is interesting is that Arujau might be sitting out to the semifinals. I don't think criteria for Olympic Trials has been released yet, but that is what it was last year. If that is the case, then we wouldn't have a full bracket. We'd have a goofy one where Arujau would get the '2' Seed spot. As of now, I think that puts him on the same side as Gilman, too, right? 1 - Richards, 2 - Gilman?
  9. Better than Retherford? The guy who took Silver at Worlds last year? The same guy returning to the same weight in which the guy who took Gold is now only doing Greco? That Retherford? So you're saying the guy who has never even won an international tournament is going to go to Worlds and be a Gold medal favorite, which is what Retherford should be considered as of right now?
  10. I said this as well. Dake looks as big as he did when he wasn't letting the world score on him at 79 KG. He looks pristine. If you believe in Karma, which I do not, then you would actually believe that Match 1 had little to nothing to do with it. It was Karmic towards PRTC and, more specifically, Turdberger. For JB to have won that series, Slay would have not cornered Turdberger and made him wear an entirely different, unaffiliated singlet. Chance is an entirely different wrestler when he goes to 74 KG. Had he ran train through Chance then Worlds, I might have agreed - much like if Retherford runs train through 70 KG at Worlds, I think he should also consider going up. The only way he goes 86 KG at this point is if he pulls a Garrett and realizes he cannot make 74 KG about a month out. That version of JB would only be about 81-82 KG wrestling 86 KG, though. He wouldn't succeed.
  11. The real life measuring contest also results in being quite a large issue for me, as well. First World Problems.
  12. That isn't really fair. He was planning on 57 KG very late in the game there. Until he wasn't.
  13. Greetings All, Now that Final X is completed, I thought it might be interesting to get a Tweener thread going. - Where do we see these guys going? - Does it differ from where we think they should go? - Do both of those answers differ from where we want them to go? 61 KG Arujau - I think there is no universe where the answer for all three is a resounding 57 KG. He should contend to be our Olympian. Garrett - I think he should provide a full-effort go from here on to be 65 KG. I both think he should and want him to do that. Unfortunately I think he actually shoots himself in the foot, though, and attempts for 57 KG again. Also unfortunately, he is a true tweener and won't find consistent success at either surrounding weights. 70 KG Retherford - I want him to go 74 KG just to lay it on Turdberger. I also believe the 70 KG version is considerably better than the 65 KG version. I think he will go 65 KG and I think he should as well. He might not contend at 74 KG, but you are talking 3rd to a very good Dake and JB. I see him and Nolf as a tossup. Always have. Berger - He is just too big to go down, I think. He has shown signs of life at 74 KG, though. I think there is no doubt that all three amswers are the same: 74 KG. I don't think he contends to be on the National Team. 79 KG Marsteller - Much like Retherford I want him to go 86 KG. He is a different guy at 74 KG than he isat 74 KG. I think he will and shouldh go 74 KG, though. He just beat JB FFS. He is a tier behind at 74 KG, though. Burroughs - Had he dominated through worlds this year I might have jumped on the 86 KG train for him. I see no way he isn't at 74 KG and I do believe he is likely the guy against Dake at the OTT finals. 92 KG Valencia - We already know he is going 86 KG. He is 3rd at best there, though. Possibly sitting out until the semifinals though? Maybe that gives him an edge on Brooks? Doubt it. Macchiavello - 97 KG all day. Not a contender, either. As nice as he is it sucks to know that.
  14. You called this one a while back, yeah?
  15. Braunagel actually destroyed Vera's soul in their 2nd match to force a match 3 that never ended up happening because he never gave Vera his soul back.
  16. I hear you. I wish he could put a little weight on better, but he believes the most logical path to Oly-Gold is 65 KG as of now. Maybe that changes in a few months
  17. He tried to go 74 KG last time and he said he couldn't get above 160lbs despite trying. He is very lean and disciplined all the time. 65 KG shouldn't be a problem if that is his focus for the next year. Imagine him and Garrett going at it.
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