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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. He needs to. He lacks the physicality to be 157.
  2. Or you could admit you didn't know how it actually worked. Your Shapiro case is accurate, but absolutely not what you meant. Also, Ayala might score zero. I think he is a contender, but he has to take the mat and not get injured. Ratings are based off results, which Ayala has.
  3. That isn't how wrestlestat works at all. If a wrestler has a single match in their career under their belt they will ne rated. It even gives you a breakdown. Weight Wrestler Rank/Place Plc + Adv Points Bonus Points Total 125 Ayala, Drake 11 (R12) 2 0 2 133 Teske, Brody 11 (R12) 2 1 3 141 Woods, Real 2 16 1.17 17.17 149 Voinovich, Victor 14 (NA) 1.5 0 1.5 157 Franek, Jared 5 10 0.32 10.32 165 Kennedy, Patrick 6 9 1.4 10.4 174 Brands, Nelson 6 9 0 9 184 Assad, Abe 12 (R12) 2 1 3 197 Glazier, Zach 24 (NA) 0 0 0 285 Cassioppi, Anthony 3 13.5 2.02 15.52 Totals 65.0 6.9 71.9
  4. I missed the - Owrestle part. Looked sketch.
  5. 125 - Teske 133 - Ayala (Schriever to start the season) 141 - Woods 149 - Siebrecht/Voinovich 157 - Franek 165 - Kennedy 174 - Brands 184 - Caliendo 197 - Assad (Suspended?)/Franklin 285 - Cassioppi I am not believing a Focus will wrestle for Iowa until I see them actually take the mat for them. Also, where does Swafford fit in there? Does he try his hands up at 197 somehow?
  6. Can't know the site without clicking it, though?
  7. I am not clicking that link. Anyone care to be the guinea pig?
  8. Also, per that article Griffith decided to give it one more season because he does not intend to compete after he is done wrestling collegiately. I am for Ragusin going 141 in preparation for a Seniors 65 KG career.
  9. Some kids were on Twitter over it yesterday. Apparently they have had zero access to their coaches since it started, the investigation was completed and innocence was either found or proven, and they are pissed that they aren't being given any sort of attention, as student-athletes, from the Ohio administration.
  10. I think we will see more, yes. There are a dozen or so matches that I watch each season, and likely many dozens I don't see, where a kid sees he is within striking distance of a tech and starts the TD/E dance. This makes that chase much less as four TD and three E is now a 12-3 split rather than a 8-3 split.
  11. Per Flo... https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/11039256-bormet-elated-but-not-surprised-with-transfer-haul 125 - DeAuggie 133 - Cannon 141 - Ragusin, possible redshirt for Ragusin 165 - Amine 174 - Griffith 285 - Davison
  12. Mine and AG's unborn child. To say that woman is 'just' inspirational would be insulting how inspirational she actually is. Also she is super good at wrestling a few months after having twins. EDIT: Actually if I am going to go there... then insert Cael or Steveson instead of me. GOAT * GOAT = GOATGOAT
  13. Unless someone who isn't 'Merican votes then all the votes should be for Captain anyways.
  14. Fake news! I never even knew the lady! I didn't inhale! I did not have sexual relations!
  15. Anybody who isn't a commie punk should be voting for the Captain.
  16. It weren't a poker refefence. It was a Spades reference. Mason. Parris. Gableson. Lee.
  17. The measure of accountability you are showing here is impressive and duly noted. I have seen what you are doing with Pin Doctors. It is great stuff, man. I appreciate what you are doing there. I will stop playing keyboard warrior with you and give you your proper respects.
  18. Those are all face cards... the Hodge Trophy is the Ace of Spades. Hodge still wins.
  19. Oh, I hear what you are saying. We have seen some gents succeed when going up two (2) weights - Realbuto and Kemerer come to mind. I am hoping for the best with Paddy. I hate seeing gents stay stagnant due to focusing on too much weight management and not enough on development.
  20. That just tells us that it's some turdbiscuit that worked for TheMat and now works for Intermat.
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