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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. 1 - What does this mean for his brother? Has he matured enough to not need to be babysat by his brother? Also, could we see Ed compete for Croatia in a few years? 2 - I thought that was poppycock? 3 - The student-athletes seem to think the University is overreacting (per various twitters) 4 - Poor guy 5 - Flo needs to step up there...
  2. They could change Tarlton to FLoUniversity and be sponsored entirely by Flo - who is Texas based. That would be cool.
  3. Styles make matches. I think Brooks beats an injured Moore. I don't think or know if he beats a thicc Macchiavello. He isn't as big or strong as Macchiavello and styles do make matches. I had posted something in the old boards about a ladder system. We would need to place out to 6th or 8th at WTT/US Open for it to be practical, but allowing folks to challenge once per month (say the 2nd Saturday of each month - one per month) would do us a USA Wrestling a lot of good. Brooks the #2, for example, could challenge the 5th ranked guy up or down a weight sort of thing. Then the next month, providing the 4th ranked guy didn't challenge the 3rd ranked guy, he could challenge up to the 4th at that same weight class. If there is an injury concern then he could leapfrog. We had a decent thread about it, I thought. I will see if I can find it.
  4. Opinions and criteria often do not go hand in hand.
  5. The criteria was laid out well in advance. He made the choice to attempt to dethrone the 86 KG king rather than go 92 KG at WTT. He had the opportunity to decline his Final X berth and chose to not do so. The rules simply stated if someone (returning medalist, US Open winner, or WTT winner) accept their bid to Final X they cannot compete in another weight.
  6. For clarification towards some of us lower intellect Americans over here... Jun 25th - 28th in San Francisco June 29th - July 1st in LA/Venice Beach area July 2nd - 4th in Huntington Beach July 5th - 8th in San Diego July 11th - 14th in Las Vegas July 22nd in San Francisco Best of luck, mate.
  7. He also looked like he was a solid 115-120 KG last I saw.
  8. The last two there are the biggest. Baev hasn't done much at 74 KG.
  9. I do think his grappling one was supposed to be at Featherweight, though? You're right there, I think.
  10. Austin Gomez is the 65 KG guy for Mexico. RBY is going 57 KG.
  11. Iranians* The gent who beat Burroughs (whom Chance is 1-1 against) and is currently ranked #1 or #2 by most media outlets and the reigning silver medalist are both registered.
  12. With the huge asterisk of *Without Pentalty* yeah? Meaning if he enters the portal now he likely has to sit this next season. He stays... he possibly has to sit this next season. In only one of those scenarios is he 'allegedly' in a position where he does not want to be in. Per Jeffey Dee Lee, that is.
  13. Also what wasn't mentioned prior is that Uguev at 57 KG went unscored upon. At Russian Nationals. That is the toughest 57 KG bracket on the planet every year and he went unscored on.
  14. Is the Gadzhi that just took out Naifonov the same one that Dake went back and forth with his first year at 79 KG?
  15. There is another window for the portal in the fall, I thought?
  16. I thought he was going 65 KG going forward? Also 74 KG? Why the lack of the big(gest) names?
  17. I would have loved to see some of our #2s or #3s at this as well, on the chance that there is an injury within the next few months of hard-ass training.
  18. 174 isn't a good weight for Olympic dreams, though.
  19. They run that trashpot together. Indifference is just as bad as being bad. Worse even.
  20. Nah, I am just giving you a hard time. Trying to fit the norm, man.
  21. Oh! Jeffey Dee Lee? He is Minnow's best bud and really strives to be him in his own personal (de)evolutionary journey. Pretty sure he helped Minnow start up his Joisey-Boi-Klub on Facebook. He's about as reliable as Minnow was... three or four years ago? So not. Not at all.
  22. I was just giving you a hard time, brada.
  23. Where did you get this from? Was it Minnow? Looks like Minnow shit. Where? Also, PK was TINY as a 174lber. He nearly lost to a teammate at a HWC match at 174 and it was directly due to the size disparity.
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