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Natty Boh Army

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Everything posted by Natty Boh Army

  1. We act surprised. Anyone else recall the Penn St - OK St dual 5 or 6 years ago? Flo hyped it for weeks, and attracted a record number of viewers... before the entire feed crashed after 133 and remained down for the duration of the meet. If memory serves correctly, they ended up using a backup feed that was essentially from some random dude's phone. They later issued a ham-fisted and insincere "apology", but refused to refund anyone. Yet for some reason I pay my annual subscription, year after year.
  2. Correct. I haven't watched that in 20+ years, but I remembered something about a wrestling scene. I tried to find a clip of it, but no luck.
  3. Anyone know if the full match is posted anywhere?
  4. He did in this movie. Still more convincing than Matthew Modine.
  5. I think this is a no-brainer https://www.theoutsidershouse.com/
  6. Great calls, Cement- thanks. Pitt looked very, very flat. Possible affect of the early season, or perhaps overlooking a non-conference team who has been terrible for a number of years. Both Phillippi and Matthews seemed disinterested in scoring bonus points, and Casto simply died after the 1st period. Tough break for Augustine- those two overturns were pretty iffy. Bonaccorsi was a man on a mission, however, and he easily handled Smith- who I really thought was going to win. Huge props to North for puling out a gutsy win; I've been waiting for him to turn a corner and have a breakout season. Loved those duck unders by Smith at heavy- rare to see a big man move that quick. Very, very nice for the Terps.
  7. Barczak was actually wrestling him really well until then.
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