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Everything posted by Yellow_Medal

  1. You mean the countries where little girls are sold off as property/brides? Your critical thinking precedes you sir…I’ll take tolerance too.
  2. Yeah, there’s no way those views aren’t connected to some ulterior motive for watching besides love of wrestling or watching a family member. Just too many.
  3. Replying to his comment (can’t find it now) about how YouTube allows you to choose video thumbnails. I have uploaded YouTube vids and I believe you can choose the upload your own option. Not saying that’s what went on, but as tech savvy as he appears I’m sure he knows this…
  4. Whoa [emoji2962] an Mtg reference. Just when I thought I’d read everything these forums had to offer.
  5. Not that this will ever actually happen, but if they instituted mat-side weigh-ins and we got to everyone at their (mostly) natural weight, I think people would be surprised how many 118s there would actually be
  6. I was in the same boat. 103 in hs and 125 in college. I lifted and got strong and didn’t have to cut much in college. It was actually a good thing, but my coach lamented that I would have been the perfect 118
  7. That might also incentivize some Dagestani transfers to train here with Americans, at least part of the time…?
  8. I usually count myself among those people, but todays semis and medal matches were really fun to watch.
  9. If you watch his Goleij quarter, he is obviously injured.
  10. Do you have a reading deficit? I said when they joined him on top for the photo op..
  11. Did you watch the medals ceremony? He towered over all of them when they all stood on the top platform for the photo op
  12. Idk which one you’d give the OW to. They both pulled off the seemingly impossible
  13. You keep using this word…I do not think it means what you think it means
  14. Small?! I think your tv is broken..
  15. Exactly. I’ve used this simile before, and I will use it again, W.I.N. Magazine showing up used to be like Christmas morning. Flo is far from perfect, but damn do I love that they are even here. That goes for the BTN, ESPN, etc. coverage that I’ve been able to see too; I am very glad it is even available. To refute my position, people say things like, “you wouldn’t accept missing articles in W.I.N. would you? Why should we accept this then?” W.I.N. was far from an ideal publication at the time either, but it was worth it to me, just as Flo is for me now. That’s all this really boils down to. Is it worth enough to you, despite its many flaws, to pay the price? Many fall on the no side, many on the yes. Should we complain to get their attention? Absolutely. Should we pine for their destruction? I say no.
  16. Could this have been a play on words, i.e. - Penn State = State Penitentiary and not PSU?
  17. Colorado dudes smashed the lower weights. Awesome tournament.
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