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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. Meh. The injury default loss that DeSanto took was shameful but, 1) RBY has never done that to anyone else, 2) Austin shot in at least 15 times after the injury and the situation never recurred, 3) Lee and Austin are not comparable wrestlers. Lee finishes his shots differently than Austin. He would not find himself in the same predicament
  2. Are you... Using windows XP?
  3. Is there something about "intent" here that we're missing? That call looked as obvious of headgear pull as any I remember seeing.
  4. Ragusin started off strong with 2 first period takedowns and then fell off the wagon, hard.
  5. Lee pin RBY major Woods better be ready to go by then... Woods decision Murin decision Haines major Kennedy decision Carter decision Brooks major Dean decision Kerk decision
  6. I'm not privy to what WKN thinks. All I'm saying is that a ton of top wrestlers either haven't wrestled (Woods, Facundo, O'Toole, Glory, 30%+ of Ohio State's lineup), or if they did, they looked sluggish/off (Arujau, Warner, Swiderski) Actually, now that I think of it, OKST might be one of the few teams that have been wrestling a full lineup. They have looked ok. Wittlake losing was a surprise
  7. Roughly 36% of the entire D1 roster is sick or injured right now. I don't think I saw a single top team field their "full" lineup this past week.
  8. Things got off to a VERY spicy start with Spencer Lee briefly trailing Ramos 8-2 before finding his way to the pin. Anyways, Teske wrestling for the first time since November
  9. a double protein, double cheese, fully loaded and double wrapped burrito from chipotle for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  10. Don't be dramatic. RBY and Lee have both said it's their choice when to compete. Here's Cael's own words on the topic: “I think it’s a tricky situation; there’s different mind-sets, you know,” Sanderson said. “A guy like Aaron, he looks at it sometimes like, ‘well I want to give some of these other guys on the team a chance to wrestle.’ “But I think it’s a little tricky,” Sanderson continued. “When I grew up my dad was my coach and I wouldn’t miss a match for anything; I don’t care what the situation is. So that’s my mentality, but I think things kind of change over time.” “Kids could look at things differently and I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer. You’ve seen some really successful wrestlers the last few years kind of picked and chosen the matches they wanted to participate in. Hopefully that’s not a trend. Part of wrestling is … wrestle … go compete. But we give our guys a lot of freedom to make decisions and take some ownership in their careers and we have a lot of trust in them.” So, the decision on when to compete does not seem to be one sided
  11. Brands might be injured +/- sick but his wrestling is the antithesis of his father's
  12. I thought Vito looked lethargic. Not a lot of movement or speed
  13. My goodness. Is Drew Bennett sick? Ive never seen his defense look so bad. It's non-existent, if anything
  14. The graphics are wrong. That was Schriever out there (note the elbow wrap)
  15. Legit point but Isn't he about 2 inches taller than Fix (5'3" vs 5'5") I could look this up but then I'd actually have to do some work during working hours
  16. Maybe, but he's pretty short. The height disadvantage might be as difficult to navigate as the weight cut at 125. Best bet is riding out to a win against RBY imo... Not that I think it will happen
  17. Some good matches. Kennedy vs Braunagel is a good test for both. Assad appeared to have tweaked a knee at the Soldier Salute so I'm not sure if we see him, and if we do, what condition he'll be in. Not going to get my hopes up about seeing Lee this weekend. If he were to wrestle only 1 match, I think going up against Purdue is the more intriguing option.
  18. What are you smoking? Vulnerable?? They're 30 point favorites, AT LEAST
  19. Fair play has nothing to do with it (in my eyes). It was a boring match. I like RBY, but I was hoping for some spicyness in March. At this point in time, it appears like it will be up to Vito to shake things up a bit.
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