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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. That's on them. Murin was stalling and I would like for him to be called for it, seriously. I'd rather watch good hard wrestling then see a wrestler from my team try to eek out a win with cheap tactics
  2. C'mon, don't settle for a win by riding time Edit: just as I say that Murin scores!
  3. I disagree. But I also really don't like much of top wrestling. Murin for example, is definitely riding just for the sake of riding.
  4. Very nice slide-by by SVN, somehow, Murin defends somehow and then gets in on a shot. More action so far than I was expecting all match
  5. He is. It's definitely a stall ride. I watch a lot of Iowa wrestling though and that's the first time I've seen it from the team.
  6. Yes. It would also be nice to see Woods more offensive in the 3rd. He's been shutting it down lately
  7. RBY was 10 seconds and one sloppy Teske shot away from not getting the bonus
  8. Got boo'd during introductions. No ovation after the match
  9. Of all people to stop Lee's pin streak, it ends up being a Vespa
  10. Lee almost in danger lmao. More notably though, he now has 2 knee sleeves
  11. Beau Bartlett, Max Murin, Cole Matthews, Yahya Thomas. On weekends I rewatch the Evans-Kokesh-Storley-Brown wars. Dizzying amounts of action
  12. I didn't take your slight against Lee or his character or whatever. Rather, I simply don't agree with your characterization of his wrestling. He hasnt lost since 2019. Since then, he has had 2 matches where he was behind at some point - Vito at senior nationals and Ramos just a few weeks ago. He convincingly beat both
  13. Hmmm feels like your shifting goal posts. In earlier posts you said that if Lee couldn't bully his opponents in the 1st two periods that he would wilt. I provided (as well as another poster) examples of matches where Lee didn't bulldoze his opponents in the early goings of the match yet didn't wilt or lose
  14. Yeah, I don't think Spencer's mentality is any different from those other wrestlers. The decrease in scores after the first 2 periods has more to do with physical rather than mental conditioning. Did you watch his NCAA matches from 3rd title run? He had tough matches with Schroeder, Hildebrandt, and Courtney. All lasting 3 periods. None of which featured any 3rd period gassing. That wasn't because Lee suddenly decided to not be a "bully", but rather because he had no acls and had to adjust his style and pace accordingly
  15. And other greats like Metcalf, Taylor, Zain, Nolf, Nickal, Steveson were gentlemen on the mat?
  16. It's well known that Iowa wrestlers only lose by technicalities
  17. Ooof. Greco is the most technical sport? I don't know about that but I don't know much about Greco so I'll entertain the thought. So foot fighting and scoring off of push outs makes a wrestler "technical"? I would argue that Lee's hand fighting, shot set-up, and shot finish is plenty technical but won't argue that he is the most technical out there. It seems like we're in different worlds - you're engrossed in Greco, something I know little about, so I'm not sure if I can at this time appreciate your point fully enough to engage deeper. Thank you for the thoughts though, gave me something to consider and look at when I watch Lee and other folkstylers
  18. The difference is that I believe RBY is simply better, and by a decent margin so my expectation is that he should be scoring more than he is/has, even against my guy DeSanto. DeSanto is a bruiser, I love watching him wrestle but I wouldn't say it is "breathtaking" int the same way as watching RBY wrestle. Fix is also a shuffler/dancer but with a boring ride that involves grabbing the opponent's junk. I don't expect Fix to score many points against RBY nor do I criticize him for failing to do so because I think RBY is simply better.
  19. When RBY "goes", it's breathtaking to witness. I want to see more of that. I could use less of the shuffling and strategic back pedaling.
  20. What are some examples of "technical wrestlers"? It's undeniable that he enjoys a significant strength advantage but I guess I don't understand your assertion that he isn't a "technical wrestlers" given that he has a much higher finishing rate on his shots, rarely breaks position, doesn't engage in any silly ankle/funk rolls. You admitted in a previous post that you haven't watched many of his more recent matches soooo.... How much confidence can you have in your own opinions
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