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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. wtf? 2 stall calls in the first period? Carter hasn't taken a single shot. Drake slide Byala made like 17 attempts in the first period BTw, I'm complaining about the inconsistency. I think Figs was the better wrestler tonight but Carter has not warranted 2 stall calls
  2. DC has made me laugh a bunch this weekend. Still, I can't help but wonder, Sparks, for all the grinding he has done, was more deserving
  3. indeed ironic that the one time Bartlett tried not to be Bartlett he got out Bartlett'd
  4. Damn, I can see how that might be 3 for BB. But what a scramble!
  5. Vito needs to keep his composure. Visibly frustrated coming back to the corner
  6. Pleasantly surprised at how (relatively) aggressive Fix has been so far
  7. Vito being a little too passive. He needs to let the Cabin with Chicken legs out!
  8. Iowa State placing above Iowa actually doesn't bother me - I think it's cool that the state has multiple top programs. It's the continued lack of individual champions that has bothered me for the past 15 years Also, I want Carr to win. Great story
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