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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. holy cannoli! Michigan is wrestling its entire B-squad. Mantanona vs Cook at 165
  2. Gomez 9-4. Slowed down as the match wore on. The elbow incident may have played a factor
  3. Uh oh. Gomez taking injury time. I'm not sure but it seemed like he hyperextended his elbow on a switch attempt Doesn't look like it's major because he's back wrestling
  4. Clay Carlson tried to stall to a win and it cost him.
  5. logged into midco at a traffic spot. You can, in fact, rewind live events. Not sure if you can rewatch though. Anyways, some dude that is not the bearded one went for Michigan. Looks like he scored a takedown in the first but couldn't ride, gave up a takedown in the third and couldn't get out. Lost 5-3 to Tanner Jordan. Some other dude that isn't the starter is going for Michigan at 133. Down 4-0 with riding time to Cardinal through the middle of the 2nd period Just as I type that, "some dude" from michigan hits a sweet headlock on the edge but OOB
  6. for those in the know, does MidCo plus offer on-demand? I went ahead and bought the subscription but now I need to drive my damn grandma somewhere so I might miss the first half of the dual
  7. The race for 2nd is starting to look like 125
  8. I haven't seen a single post from you where you actually talked wrestling though.
  9. Seems like we have another poster that needs their eyes checked. What Fartard did was not your regular face mush. He aggressively shoved Glazier twice - he got up, pushed against his back, then came around and tried to shove/push against his head. That's when Glazier retaliated. And even if it had been more of a run of the mill face/back mush, do we really want to encourage more post match extracurriculars? The open hand strike, the flipping off of a teammate and crowd, is that cool by you too? "more blame should be put on the opponent". What an unbelievably low IQ take.
  10. Can confirm from personal experience. You can definitely upload your own thumbnails. Midwest Wrestle's thumbnails are in particular heavily edited to increase contrast and sharpness, among other changes. I think you may be misinterpreting ILLINIWrestlingBlog's post.
  11. Damn, my bad. Sorry, been a rough day so I jumped to a conclusion that I shouldn't have. You're right, you've never come off like that. I was taken aback by your post but should have given it more thought. I'm familiar with the popular misspelling of Gable's last name, just haven't seen you make that reference before.
  12. can't believe I actually listened to that. What do you mean by "the N is in"? Please tell me you're not using the "N" word to refer to Steveson.
  13. I couldn't stand more than 10 minutes of Chael's diatribe. What are you referring to, eggsactly?
  14. Homeboy, The video quality isn't in the crux of the matter. It's that, this particular creep, frames and crops his thumbnails in such a manner as to bring attention to certain body parts. The situation becomes significantly worse by virtue of the aggressive editing he does on the thumbnails - cranking up the contrast and sharpness to the max, making certain outlines and contours stand out visibly. His thumbnails in a lot of his more recent videos seem innocuous enough but the VAST majority of his most viewed videos feature nothing but crotch and butt shots. I want to believe it's a coincidence but they are so numerous and flagrant that that bridge is too far for me to cross. The other component to the fishiness is the views to comment ratio: they just don't make sense. I think it's pretty obvious he is embedding his videos on other sites. What type of sites are these I wonder? The language of the comments is also really strange, they don't read like what a typical YouTube comment would. There is also a disconcerting number of comments using suggestive language that just doesn't sit right with me, not to mention how often the physique of these boys (some of them quite young) is brought up. And on at least 3 different videos I saw comments with timestamps that went to parts of the videos where certain body parts were brought into sharp focus. There was one video where, during a break in the action, the camera seemed to focus intently on the wrestlers mid section as he was walking back and forth. It was weird. Everything about this experience was creepy. I feel sick and regret doing the deep dive that I did but I'm convinced that there are shenanigans going on. For my part, I reported the account on x and YouTube. Not sure what other action I should be taking
  15. Read a bunch of HR today for the first time in weeks. A handful of posters are claiming that Lazier "started it". What video feed were these people watching?
  16. From my perspective, the thumbnails for many of his more popular videos are, at minimum, at the edge of the line. They are HIGHLY suggestive. To see so many of his top videos feature suggestive thumbnails does not feel like a coincidence. I do agree with your point about changing uniforms. I have been a proponent of getting away from singlets for many years
  17. I watched all his matches. His finals match against Rathjen was the only one that had antics, and, although this doesn't excuse the shove, Rathjen started it all with the shove and acted way more of an ass. I was actually surprised by how relatively composed Anthony was. Your take is way off base.
  18. Are you referring to his match against Rathjen or something else he did in the past?
  19. Wow. Just wow. I found it comical (in a horrific kind of way) that, when the ref stated the reason for dq ("misconduct throwing a punch") AJ put his hands up in confusion, as if he didn't just try to hurt his opponent. He's either delusional or lacks all sense of integrity. Probably both. I really hope this ends the Ferrari to Iowa saga. On a related note, i watched Brands' post match interview and was deeply disappointed when no one had the gall to ask about the disaster at 197
  20. Hopefully, this puts an end to the Ferrari experience. This probably means we lose Angelo (the youngest) which is a bit of a bummer because he actually looks to be the only sane one in the family... for now
  21. Are you blind? Did you not see the forceful shove AJ gave to Glazier right at match end? AJ's actions are indefensible
  22. No, it was the punch. You can hear the ref talk about it on the video
  23. if that doesn't kick you off the team I don't know what does
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