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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. Ayala wins 8-5 Tyler Wells beat Kale Peterson 6-3 Woods dec VomBaur 5-2. VomBaur showed some good stuff on bottom. Woods shot in mid 3rd period that lead to a long scramble where both guys had a shot to score. Woods moreso, imo Rathjen over Robers 7-3. Edit: Woods didn't seem all that interested in scoring during the 2nd period, ultimately leaving himself open for an upset late in the 3rd. He has done this quite a lot during his career, even before coming to Iowa (not being aggressive and keeping matches closer than they should be).
  2. Pretty standard Brands interview. I continue to be confused as to why Brands doesn't like to answer the tough questions. What advantage does he perceive to get from all the secrecy? Funny enough, Terry, the few times he's interviewed (including earlier this year) is much better behind the mic.
  3. He’s also right. Door is closed on this semester. Tom wants him to Olympic shirt and then try again in the fall. It would take a lot of work I don’t think AJ is capable of. Why can't this just die already
  4. I did, but that guy wasn't very good relative to Fix so I didn't put much stock in that match. Last night was a impressive performance against a very good opponent
  5. I thought td and reverse initially but now I'm not sure
  6. Well. That's a bummer. I was hoping for at least some drama in this dual
  7. Yeah. Crosby looks gassed near the end of the 2nd but gets a fortuitous lung break
  8. Jamison should have taken the fleeing the mat call
  9. That's the best I've seen Fix wrestle in a while.
  10. yikes. Camacho was my finalist pick. Not looking like an AA currently
  11. I see tonight's dual in my DVR queue on sling tv. I believe they offer a 7 day free trial as well, although you would have to select the blue+orange+sports extra channel bundle. I know it sounds like a lot but out of all the live TV providers I like it the most in terms of interface. I actually like youtube TV more but that damn google has some nifty little algorithm running that somehow can tell if you are a past customer returning for a free trial under a new email (even if it's not a gmail account)
  12. Depends on the timing of the dual. If it were held this month, I'd guesstimate about 4 starters sitting out, since both teams have been nursing injuries. Mid to late February, I would assume both teams field their full A-team
  13. To be fair to Michigan, 125 and 133 have been fighting injuries, so I don't think many were expecting them to show. 157 and 165 were a little surprising
  14. I haven't watched a lot of Cook's matches but from the several that I have, it seems like he over-relies on funk and junk. Didn't work against Mantanona today. Drops the 4-2 decision
  15. Why do you always have to nitpick? Backups wrestled at 125, 133, 157, and now 165. I wouldn't be surprised to NOT see Griffith out there. Edit: I'm glad to be proven wrong. Griffith is taking the mat!
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