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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. Surprised to see Voinovich out here. Rathjen must have broken another team rule
  2. I don't know of any Iowa fans that "hate" any wrestlers. Unless they're profoundly boring or dirty
  3. Not really. Teske has been in and out of the lineup all season because of injury and mental poop. Besides, Teske majored this kid last year
  4. Ah yes. Finally we have made it to the main event. David "Not Impressed" Evans vs Fidel Castro Mayora Jr.
  5. dang. that could have been spicy for a minute wait it can still be spicy oh nvm. Just milquetoast
  6. Rags wrestling with more fire than any of the transfers I'm impressed with how much more offensive Nagao has gotten this year. From the dozen or so matches of his that I saw last year, he bid his time more often
  7. Star seen in the corner. Shook Griffith's hand. That's kinda awkward, no?
  8. One guy is trying to score Levi looked stellar last year. I'm surprised to see what looks like, for him, a slight step back. I wonder if maybe PSU would be better off (slightly) by having him switch weights with MM
  9. I am not a degenerate gambler. Can you explain all this bingo-lingo to me? What is the bet?
  10. It is alleged that he played hanky panky with female wrestlers one too many times. Or something like that
  11. did you miss the other 68 threads about this topic?
  12. ah. I haven't looked at any of his threads from the past gigabit of time
  13. Angelo is in high school. The 2 older Ferrari's are not enrolled anywhere
  14. That's pretty good. I should have looked up results. Just from memory, my impression was that ASU often is hyped up but fails to meet expectations
  15. Metcalf the year he lost to Caldwell. David Taylor's freshman year. Spencer Lee last year. Those are the ones that come to mind from recent memory
  16. When was that again? I was referring to the Zeke era. Should have made that clear
  17. Were they ever any good? Zeke got a couple stellar recruiting classes years ago but did anything come from it?
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